‘The Glory of God Is Intelligence,’ Lesson 37: Section 93

“‘The Glory of God Is Intelligence,’ Lesson 37: Section 93,” Doctrine and Covenants Instructor’s Guide: Religion 324–325 (1981), 73–74

“Lesson 37,” Doctrine and Covenants Instructor’s Guide, 73–74

“The Glory of God Is Intelligence”

Lesson 37

Section 93


The glory of God is intelligence, or light and truth —a fulness of which can be obtained by mortal man only through obedience to eternal laws.

Theme Analysis

  1. The Savior of mankind is a God of glory.

    1. Members of the Church who forsake sin are promised that they will see the Savior.

    2. The Savior is the light of the world, and the light which lighteth every man.

  2. John the Baptist received a divine witness of the glory of Jesus Christ and bore testimony of him.

    1. The Savior was in the beginning with the Father, and by him (Christ) were all things created

    2. Through obedience the Savior obtained a fulness of the glory of God while in mortality.

    3. The full account of John’s record is yet to be revealed to those who are faithful.

  3. Intelligence is truth and light.

    1. Those who keep the commandments and endure to the end shall receive a fulness of truth and shall know all things.

    2. Intelligence (the light of truth) has always existed and cannot be created.

    3. Members of the Church can lose light and truth through disobedience.

  4. Parents have a responsibility to teach their children light and truth.

Study Sources

Student Manual

Section 93; Enrichment D, “Contributions of the Doctrine and Covenants to an Understanding of Jesus Christ”

Use material from Historical Background and Notes and Commentary to teach this revelation in its historical context.

Standard Works

  • D&C 93. Keeping in mind the theme of this lesson, read and ponder this section.

  • D&C 38:2; 88:41–44. The Savior knows all things. See also 2 Nephi 9:20.

  • D&C 50:40. Why doesn’t the Savior reveal all truth to us?

  • D&C 93:29–30. The eternal nature of truth.

  • Abraham 3:19. What did Abraham learn about the preeminence of the Savior in the pre-earth life?

  • Psalm 84:11. What did the Lord promise the faithful?

  • Hebrews 5:8. How is the Savior an example to us?

  • John 1:17. Grace and truth come by whom?

  • John 3:21. What is promised to those who walk in truth?

  • John 8:31–32. Why is it important to know the truth?

  • John 16:13. What gift is given to man to help him in his quest for truth?

  • D&C 50:24. Upon what basis will the Lord continue to give us more and more light (truth)?

  • D&C 93:36. Of what does God’s glory consist?

  • D&C 1:39. How permanent are gospel truths?

  • D&C 84:45. Of what can we always be sure concerning the Lord’s word? See also D&C 88:66.

Basic Library

  • Teachings, p. 341. The power of truth.

  • Discourses, pp. 2–4, 9–11. The gospel embraces all truth. God is the fountain of all truth; truth will endure.

  • DS, 1:32. How did the Savior gain light and truth?

  • DS, 1:297–300; 2:36. How can a person obtain a fulness of truth?

  • N. Eldon Tanner, in CR, Apr. 1978, pp. 18–23. Need for truth. Truth makes us free.

Additional Sources

  • Neal A. Maxwell, “Eternalism vs. Secularism,” Ensign, Oct. 1974, pp. 69–72. How important is it for members of the Church to maintain the proper perspective?

  • Spencer W. Kimball, “Absolute Truth,” Ensign, Sept. 1978, pp. 3–8. What are some truths that are absolute?

  • Daniel H. Ludlow, Latter-day Prophets Speak, pp. 396–400. Discusses the value of truth, God as the source of all truth, and the fact that the gospel embraces all truth.

Some Suggestions for Presentation

(Ideas Other Teachers Have Used)

Acquiring Truth (Discussion)

The teacher may wish to discuss what truth is and how it is acquired. Use the following quote by Elder Stephen L Richards.

“What is truth? Here I must give you an inspired definition, a definition that came from an unsophisticated boy-prophet, but one which rivals the definitions of the greatest scholars of all time. ‛Truth,’ says Joseph Smith, ‛is the knowledge of things as they are and as they were, and as they are to come.’ How is such knowledge to be obtained? Through science and education? Yes, in part, but not wholly. And why not completely? Because most of the knowledge of things ‛as they were’ and things that ‛are to come’ are without the realm and province of science, as well as much knowledge of ‛things as they are.’ Science, then, can give us but fragments of truth, not the whole truth. And the whole truth is necessary if we are to be provided with proper criteria by which to do our choosing.

“How, then, is the whole truth to be secured? The key is to be found in another revelation, ‛the spirit of truth is of God.’ That being so, we must, of necessity have God’s aid in the acquisition of truth. His aid comes through faith and prayer. Faith contemplates the acceptance of the spiritual reality of a world outside the domain of science. It involves methods and processes different from those of scientific research. It postulates humility and dependence on divine power, the antithesis of egotism and self-sufficiency. A contrite heart is the fertile field for planting the seeds of truth. In such a field they come to fruition in a knowledge, understanding, and conviction of the great concepts of life which defy the reason and philosophy of the arrogant and self-sufficient, who will not stoop to the methods of the humble.” (In Conference Report, Apr. 1939, pp. 40–41.)

You may want to illustrate one of the limitations of science with the following illustration.

Revelation Considers an Endless Time Period.

Science is Confined to Mortality.


Earth Life


Scientific and Religious Truth (Chalkboard Illustration)

Often students are faced with seeming conflicts between their academic studies and their religious studies. The following illustration could be used to show there is no conflict between true science and true religion.



  1. Fact

  2. Theory


  1. Fact

  2. Theory

First define the words fact and theory. A fact is something that is actually true. Many things that are thought by men to be facts are not really true and don’t fit into this category. A theory is something thought to be true, but whether or not it is in reality true is not known for certain. The word of the Lord to his prophets is religious fact, whereas the uninspired explanations of men concerning religious questions is religious theory.

When a scientific fact is compared with a religious fact, there is never a conflict, for they are both true. When a scientific theory is compared with a religious theory, there may or may not be a conflict because one or both may be true or false. Difficulty may also come when a theory from either field is compared with a fact in the other field. The fact will always be true, but the theory may or may not be true, and therefore, a conflict could arise. You might want to illustrate (by adding lines) that the conflict comes when we cross a theory with a fact or when we compare a theory with a theory.

Obtaining a Fulness of Truth by Following the Savior’s Example (Scripture Analysis, Discussion)

Begin by writing the reference Doctrine and Covenants 93:11–17 on the board and ask, How did Jesus Christ come to a fulness of truth? Carefully review the verses mentioned and point out to students that Christ grew “from grace to grace” (vs. 13) by being obedient to his Father until “he received a fulness of the glory of the Father” (vs. 16). Then write the reference Doctrine and Covenants 93:19–20, 27–28 on the board and ask, How can we come to a fulness of truth? Discuss the fact that we obtain truth a little at a time as we live according to that which we are given. Refer also to Alma 12:9–11; Doctrine and Covenants 50:24; 84:33; 93:31–32, 36–39; 1:33 to show that we gain light and truth by obedience, but we may also lose it by disobedience.

Absolute vs. Relative Truths (Discussion)

Use President Kimball’s article “Absolute Truth” (see Ensign, Sept. 1978, pp. 3–8) as a basis for a comparison between truths which are eternal and absolute and those which are accepted but may be only temporary or even untrue.
