Come, Follow Me
Ideas for Encouraging Personal and Family Study

“Ideas for Encouraging Personal and Family Study,” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: New Testament 2019 (2019)

“Ideas for Encouraging Personal and Family Study,” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: 2019

young woman writing

Ideas for Encouraging Personal and Family Study

Here are some ideas to help you encourage class members to study the word of God at home as individuals and as families. Be sensitive to the fact that not all class members can study the scriptures with their families (for example, some members live alone or in part-member families).

  • Invite class members to share experiences they have had as they studied the scriptures at home. For example, you could ask them to share a verse from this week’s reading that impressed them and to explain why they found it meaningful.

  • Ask class members to give examples of what they are doing to make personal or family scripture study more meaningful. (Some ideas can be found under “Ideas to Improve Your Personal Scripture Study” and “Ideas to Improve Your Family Scripture Study” in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families.)

  • Invite class members to share how they have acted on impressions they received during a previous class or during their personal or family study of the scriptures.

  • Spend a few minutes showing class members some of the resources provided by the Church to help members study the gospel, such as the scripture study helps found at; “Scripture Stories” found at; youth-focused content at; seminary and institute manuals; and videos, audio recordings, and images (see Many of these resources are also found in the Gospel Library app.

  • Spend a few minutes explaining how to use the Gospel Library app to study the scriptures, including how to mark verses and record impressions.

  • Invite one or more class members to share how they teach a specific gospel principle in their families.
