Gospel Library Online
July 5–11. Doctrine and Covenants 76: “Great Shall Be Their Reward and Eternal Shall Be Their Glory”

“July 5–11. Doctrine and Covenants 76: ‘Great Shall Be Their Reward and Eternal Shall Be Their Glory,’” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 (2020)

“July 5–11. Doctrine and Covenants 76,” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: 2021

galaxy in space

Refuge, by Shaelynn Abel

July 5–11

Doctrine and Covenants 76

“Great Shall Be Their Reward and Eternal Shall Be Their Glory”

Like many visions recorded in the scriptures, the vision in section 76 came when Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon “meditated upon” the scriptures (verse 19). You too can receive revelation—including guidance about how to teach—as you ponder Doctrine and Covenants 76.

Record Your Impressions

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Invite Sharing

To help class members talk about what they read in Doctrine and Covenants 76, you could invite them to imagine that a friend of another faith asks what we believe about life after death. What verses from section 76 would they share with their friend? Class members could also share something from “Voices of the Restoration: Testimonies of ‘the Vision’” that impressed them.

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Teach the Doctrine

Doctrine and Covenants 76

Salvation comes through Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

  • Many people, when they think of section 76, think about the plan of salvation and the three kingdoms of glory. How can you help class members see that the central figure in this revelation is the Savior Jesus Christ? You could ask class members to share a verse they found in section 76 that strengthened their faith in Jesus Christ. If they need help, you could point them to verses such as 1–5, 20–24, 39–43, 69, 107–8.

  • To help class members explore the differences between those who inherit the three kingdoms of glory, write on the board Celestial, verses 50–70, 92–96; Terrestrial, verses 71–79, 97; and Telestial, verses 81–90, 98–106, 109–12. Class members could select one of the three sets of verses and find phrases that describe the relationship between Jesus Christ and the people who inherit the corresponding kingdom. What do these phrases teach us about being disciples of Jesus Christ? How can we strengthen our relationship with Him and with the Father? How do They reach out to us? What does it mean to be “valiant in the testimony of Jesus”? (verse 79).

    room in nineteenth-century home

    Joseph Smith saw the vision of the degrees of glory in this room.

Doctrine and Covenants 76:5–10, 113–18

God’s mysteries can only be “understood by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

  • It might be interesting for members of your class to know that not all members of the Church easily accepted the revelation in section 76. For example, Brigham Young said: “My traditions were such, that when the Vision came first to me, it was directly contrary and opposed to my former education. I said, Wait a little. I did not reject it; but I could not understand it.” He explained that he had to “think and pray, to read and think, until I knew and fully understood it for myself” (in “The Vision,” Revelations in Context, 150). What do we learn from his experience that can help us when God reveals things that are different from our current understanding? What does Doctrine and Covenants 76:5–10, 113–18, teach us about how we can receive “the secrets of [God’s] will”? (verse 10).

Doctrine and Covenants 76:50–70, 92–95

God wants all of His children to enjoy celestial glory with Him.

  • To some, it can be discouraging or overwhelming to think of everything that is required of us to qualify for the celestial kingdom. Consider how you can help class members find hope “through Jesus the mediator” (verse 69). For example, you could invite them to read verses 50–70 and 92–95. Invite them to share how they might respond to someone who says, “Living the gospel in today’s world is so hard; I’m not sure it’s worth it” or “I’m just not good enough for the celestial kingdom.” What could we say to inspire or encourage this person?

Improving Our Teaching

Focus on the Savior and His doctrine. “Continually ask yourself, ‘How will what I am teaching help my class members build faith in Christ, repent, make and keep covenants with God, and receive the Holy Ghost?’” (Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 20).