Doctrine and Covenants 2021
March 15–21. Doctrine and Covenants 27–28: “All Things Must Be Done in Order”

“March 15–21. Doctrine and Covenants 27–28: ‘All Things Must Be Done in Order,’” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 (2020)

“March 15–21. Doctrine and Covenants 27–28,” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: 2021

Joseph Smith

March 15–21

Doctrine and Covenants 27–28

“All Things Must Be Done in Order”

Although the events that prompted the revelations in Doctrine and Covenants 27–28 happened in a different time and place, the principles taught in these sections have relevance today. What principles might bless members of your class in the situations they are facing?

Record Your Impressions

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Invite Sharing

Give class members a few minutes to review Doctrine and Covenants 27–28 and find a verse or a phrase they find meaningful. To give everyone an opportunity to share, you could divide class members into pairs to share what they found.

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Teach the Doctrine

Doctrine and Covenants 27:1–2

We should take the sacrament with an eye single to God’s glory.

  • To encourage discussion about Doctrine and Covenants 27:1–2, consider writing a question like this on the board: What did the Savior teach us about the purpose of the sacrament? Class members could look for phrases in these verses that help them answer the question. They may be willing to share impressions they have received about how to have a more sacred experience when partaking of the sacrament.

    Class members may find additional insights by reading what the Savior said when He instituted the sacrament (see Luke 22:19–20; 3 Nephi 18:1–11; see also the video “The Last Supper” on If the Savior were present in our sacrament meeting, what might we do differently?

    sacrament bread and cup

    The sacrament contains symbols of the Savior’s sacrifice.

Doctrine and Covenants 27:15–18

The armor of God will help us withstand evil.

  • How can you help class members understand how to use the armor of God to withstand the evil in our day? Consider asking someone to draw on the board the armor described in verses 15–18. Class members could then share any insights they discovered in their personal study about the pieces of armor. Or the class could read Doctrine and Covenants 27:15–18 and label the pieces of armor on the board and the parts of the body they protect. What does it mean to put on the armor of God? Perhaps class members could talk about how the Lord protects us from evil when we put on the armor of God.

  • If you teach youth, you may want to connect Doctrine and Covenants 27:15–18 with the standards in For the Strength of Youth. For example, class members could read the verses and discuss why we need the armor of God. Then they could work in pairs and review one of the standards in For the Strength of Youth. What do we learn from these sources about Satan’s attacks against us? How can the armor of God help us withstand these attacks? How can we put on His armor?

Doctrine and Covenants 28

The living prophet receives revelation for the Lord’s Church.

  • To help class members learn about the role of the prophet, you could review the experience that led Joseph Smith to pray and receive section 28 (see the section heading), and then you could read verses 2–3, 6–7, 11–13. How does Satan try to convince us to follow those whom the Lord has not appointed? You might invite class members to share experiences that strengthened their testimonies that the prophet receives revelation for the Church.

  • One way for class members to review Doctrine and Covenants 28 is to imagine that they know someone who recently received a new calling in the Church. What could we share from Doctrine and Covenants 28:1–6, 13–16 to help that person in his or her calling? The quotation in “Additional Resources” could add insights to the discussion.

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Additional Resources

Counsel about personal revelation.

President Joseph F. Smith and his counselors in the First Presidency taught:

“When visions, dreams, tongues, prophecy, impressions or any extraordinary gift or inspiration, convey something out of harmony with the accepted revelations of the Church or contrary to the decisions of its constituted authorities, Latter-day Saints may know that it is not of God, no matter how plausible it may appear. … In secular as well as spiritual affairs, Saints may receive Divine guidance and revelation affecting themselves, but this does not convey authority to direct others. …

“The history of the Church records many pretended revelations claimed by imposters or zealots who believed in the manifestations they sought to lead other persons to accept, and in every instance, disappointment, sorrow and disaster have resulted therefrom” (Joseph F. Smith, Anthon H. Lund, Charles W. Penrose, “A Warning Voice,” Improvement Era, Sept. 1913, 1148–49).

Improving Our Teaching

Focus on true doctrine. President Boyd K. Packer taught, “True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior” (“Do Not Fear,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2004, 79). As we teach, we must focus on the teachings of Jesus Christ if we want to help bring souls unto Him.
