“December 27–January 2. Moses 1; Abraham 3: ‘This Is My Work and My Glory,’” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 (2021)
“December 27–January 2. Moses 1; Abraham 3,” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: 2022
December 27–January 2
Moses 1; Abraham 3
“This Is My Work and My Glory”
As you read what God said to Moses and Abraham, think about what He might say to the children you teach. How will you help them feel His love for them?
Record Your Impressions
Invite Sharing
Sometimes a song can help children remember what they are learning. Play or hum a few notes of “I Am a Child of God” (Children’s Songbook, 2–3), and let the children guess the song. Help the children think of ways their parents and others “lead [them], guide [them],” and “help [them] find the way.”
Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children
I am a child of God.
What do you learn from Moses 1:1–4, 6 about your relationship with Heavenly Father? How can you help the children learn what it means to be a child of God?
Possible Activities
Read to the children what God said to Moses: “Thou art my son” (Moses 1:4). Invite a child to the front of the room, and ask the children to repeat with you, “[Child’s name], you are a child of God.” Repeat the phrase for each child in the class.
Show several pictures of children, and ask the class if these children are all children of God. Emphasize that everyone is a child of God. Let the children take turns looking in a mirror, and testify that they are children of God too.
Sing “I Am a Child of God” (Children’s Songbook, 2–3) with the children. Let them color this week’s activity page, and use it to review the truths this song teaches.
Christ and the Creation, by Robert T. Barrett
I lived with Heavenly Father before I was born.
Knowing about our premortal life can inspire us to make choices based on eternal truths. As you study Abraham 3:22–28, consider how you will teach the children about their eternal identity.
Possible Activities
Use “About the Old Testament” (in Old Testament Stories) to teach the children about our premortal life. Afterward, invite the children to tell the story back to you. Why did Heavenly Father send us here to earth? Help the children discover an answer as you read to them Abraham 3:25.
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Sing with the children a song about God’s plan for us (such as “I Will Follow God’s Plan” [Children’s Songbook, 164–65]). Help them understand eternal truths taught in the lyrics.
Heavenly Father wants me to live with Him again.
How have the truths in Moses 1:39 blessed your life? What can you do to help the children experience those blessings too?
Possible Activities
Point out the phrases “this is my work” and “eternal life” in Moses 1:39, and help the children repeat the phrases. Tell the children about the work you do each day. Teach them that Heavenly Father’s work is to help us gain eternal life, which means becoming like Him and living with Him again.
Invite a parent to come to class and talk about how he or she feels when a child returns home after being away (for example, at school or on a mission), or share feelings you’ve had during these experiences. Use this example to teach the children how much Heavenly Father wants us to return to Him.
Teach the Doctrine: Older Children
Moses 1:4, 30, 37–39; Abraham 3:22–28
I am a child of God, and He wants to help me return to Him.
Moses 1:4, 37–39 and Abraham 3:22–28 teach precious truths about our relationship with God and His purpose for sending us to earth. Ponder how you will help the children learn these truths.
Possible Activities
Read with the children Moses 1:4, 37–39 and Abraham 3:24–25. Give them opportunities to ask questions and share favorite words or phrases from these verses. What do we learn from these verses about Heavenly Father? about ourselves?
Show the children pictures of some of Heavenly Father’s many creations. Read Moses 1:30, and explain that Moses asked God about the purpose of these creations. Help the children search in verse 39 to find God’s answer. Testify that God’s purpose is to help each child gain eternal life.
Help the children think of situations in which they have to choose whether or not to “do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command” (Abraham 3:25). Let them practice or discuss possible responses to those situations. How can the Savior help us when we make a wrong choice?
I can resist Satan’s temptations.
As you study Moses 1:12–26, look for things Moses did to resist Satan. How might Moses’s example help the children when they face temptations?
Possible Activities
Summarize Moses’s experience in Moses 1:12–26 in your own words, or ask one of the children to do so (see also the video “I Am a Son of God” [ChurchofJesusChrist.org]). Invite the children to search these verses to learn how Moses was able to overcome Satan. (If they need help, point them to verses 13, 15, 18, 20–22, 26.)
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Bring a box of tools (or pictures of tools), and label each tool with a way we can resist temptation (such as praying, singing a hymn, reading the scriptures, or serving others). Let each child pick a tool and talk about a situation when the action written on that tool’s label could help us resist temptation. Read together verses 25–26, and testify that God will help us when we face temptation.
I lived with Heavenly Father before I was born.
These verses describing Abraham’s vision of our premortal life can help the children answer the questions “Where did I come from?” and “Why am I here?” How can you help them find answers?
Possible Activities
On the board, write questions related to Abraham 3:22–28, such as What happened in our life before birth? Who was there? Why was the earth created? Invite the children to read these verses to find answers.
If there is a new baby in the ward, invite the parents to bring him or her to class and share their feelings about welcoming this child into the world. (You could also show a picture of a newborn baby.) Talk with the children about where this baby’s spirit was before he or she came to earth. Why is it important for this baby to learn that he or she is a child of God?
Sing songs about God’s plan for us, such as “I Know My Father Lives” or “I Will Follow God’s Plan” (Children’s Songbook, 5, 164–65). Invite the children to draw pictures that go with the words. Let them use their pictures to teach each other truths from the songs.
Encourage Learning at Home
Consider ways that the learning that happened in your Primary class can encourage, support, or reinforce learning happening in the children’s homes. For example, you could invite the children to share this week’s activity page with their families.
Improving Our Teaching
Children learn in many ways. Children enjoy learning through new and varied experiences. Use activities that allow them to move about, use all their senses, and try new things. (See Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 25–26.)