“November 22–28. Doctrine and Covenants 135–136: ‘He “Has Sealed His Mission and His Works with His Own Blood,”’” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 (2020)
“November 22–28. Doctrine and Covenants 135–136,” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: 2021
Carthage Jail
November 22–28
Doctrine and Covenants 135–136
He “Has Sealed His Mission and His Works with His Own Blood”
As you prepare to teach Doctrine and Covenants 135–36, look for principles that have influenced your life. Consider how the ideas in this outline might help the children learn and apply these principles.
Record Your Impressions
Invite Sharing
Invite the children to share something they remember learning this year about Joseph Smith and what he accomplished. Show pictures from this year’s Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families or from previous activity pages to help them.
Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children
Doctrine and Covenants 135:1–2
Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith gave their lives for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The account of the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith can help the children feel gratitude for the testimonies and sacrifices of these great men.
Possible Activities
Use “Chapter 57: The Prophet Is Killed” (Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 201–5) to tell the children about how the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum Smith died. Or let one of the children tell the story. Bear your testimony that Joseph Smith was a true prophet and that he gave his life for the Lord and His gospel.
Share with the children a few phrases from the Book of Mormon verse that Hyrum Smith read before he went to Carthage Jail, recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 135:5. Talk about how this verse might have comforted Hyrum. Share scriptures that bring you comfort when you are worried or sad.
Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God.
Throughout the year, the children have learned what the Lord revealed through the Prophet Joseph Smith. You can help them remember and appreciate how Joseph’s work blesses their life.
Possible Activities
Display objects that represent the work of the Prophet Joseph Smith, such as the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, or a picture of missionaries or a temple. Using phrases from Doctrine and Covenants 135:3, share with the children some things that the Lord did through Joseph Smith for our salvation. Invite the children to choose one of these things and share why they are grateful for it.
As the children color this week’s activity page, sing or play songs about Joseph Smith, such as “Praise to the Man” (Hymns, no. 27). Share your feelings about the Prophet.
The American Prophet, by Del Parson
God gives us commandments to help us.
The Saints faced many trials in the years after the death of Joseph Smith. How can the counsel the Lord gave to the Saints help the children you teach?
Possible Activities
Share with the children some of the challenges the Saints faced as they left Nauvoo and gathered in Winter Quarters (see chapters 60 and 62 in Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 211–16, 222–24). Place a picture of the Nauvoo Temple on one side of the room, and create a simple shelter on the other side—perhaps with a blanket and some chairs or a table. Invite the children to gather near the picture, and tell them that a year and a half after Joseph Smith died, the Saints were forced to leave Nauvoo. Invite the children to walk away from the temple and gather in the shelter to represent the journey to Winter Quarters.
2:29Chapter 62: The Saints Establish Winter Quarters: 1846–1847
Explain that the Lord gave a revelation to Brigham Young, found in Doctrine and Covenants 136, to help the Saints as they journeyed to the Salt Lake Valley. Read a few phrases from section 136 containing counsel that young children can understand, and invite them to act out or draw what the Lord asked the Saints to do as they traveled. For instance, the children could draw themselves returning something they borrowed from a friend, or they could sing a Primary song as they dance around a pretend campfire (see verses 25, 28).
Teach the Doctrine: Older Children
Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith gave their lives for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Hearing about the sacrifices of Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith can strengthen the children’s faith and their desire to be true to their testimonies.
Possible Activities
Ask the children to share what they know about how Joseph and Hyrum Smith were killed. If they need help, refer them to Doctrine and Covenants 135:1 or “Chapter 57: The Prophet Is Killed” (Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 201–5). Invite the children to imagine they were living in Nauvoo when the Prophet died. Ask them to share how they might have felt. Bear your testimony of Joseph Smith, and invite the children to do the same.
Display pictures of prophets (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 14, 18, 67). What are some things God asks prophets to do? Explain that the Lord promises to bless His prophets for the sacrifices they make in His service (see Matthew 10:39).
Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God.
Like all prophets, Joseph Smith testified of Jesus Christ and taught us how to come to Him. Help the children see how Joseph Smith accomplished his mission.
Possible Activities
Read together Doctrine and Covenants 135:3, and ask the children to identify what Joseph Smith accomplished. Write on the board what they find. Invite the children to choose one of these things and share why they are grateful for it.
Encourage the children to each think of a friend or loved one who doesn’t know very much about Joseph Smith. What would they say if that person asked, “Why is Joseph Smith so important to you?” Invite the children to practice what they would say to this person.
Doctrine and Covenants 136:4, 10–11, 18–30
The Lord can bless me when I am struggling.
After Joseph Smith was killed, the Saints were driven from Nauvoo. Brigham Young led them to Winter Quarters, where they prepared for an even longer trek to the Salt Lake Valley.
Possible Activities
Summarize the experiences of the Saints after the Prophet Joseph Smith was killed (see chapters 58, 60, and 62 in Doctrine and Covenants Stories, pages 206–8, 211–16, 222–24). Invite the children to imagine how they would feel if they had to leave their homes and find a new place to live in the wilderness. Explain that in Doctrine and Covenants 136, the Lord gave counsel to help the Saints on their journey. Assign each child a few verses from this revelation, such as verses 4, 10–11, 18–30, and ask the children to each find something that could help them with their worries or fears.
1:31Chapter 58: A New Leader for the Church: July–August 1844
2:29Chapter 62: The Saints Establish Winter Quarters: 1846–1847
Help the children think of trials people face today. Invite them to find something in section 136 that they might share to encourage someone who is going through such a trial. Children could also find encouraging messages in “Come, Come, Ye Saints” (Hymns, no. 30), a hymn the Saints sang on their journey.
Encourage Learning at Home
Invite the children to share with their family or a friend why they are grateful for the Prophet Joseph Smith.
Improving Our Teaching
Children are active. At times you may feel that the children’s energy is a distraction from learning. But you can build on their active natures by inviting them to draw, sing about, or act out a gospel principle (see Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 25–26).