Come, Follow Me
Appendix A: For Parents—Preparing Your Children for a Lifetime on God’s Covenant Path

“Appendix A: For Parents—Preparing Your Children for a Lifetime on God’s Covenant Path” Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 (2023)

“Appendix A,” Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: 2024

Appendix A

For Parents—Preparing Your Children for a Lifetime on God’s Covenant Path

Because He loves you, trusts you, and knows your potential, Heavenly Father has given you the opportunity to help your children enter and progress along His covenant path, the path to eternal life (see Doctrine and Covenants 68:25–28). This includes helping them prepare to make and keep sacred covenants, such as the covenant of baptism and the covenants made in the temple. Through these covenants, your children will bind themselves to the Savior, Jesus Christ.

There are many ways to prepare your children for this journey on the covenant path, and Heavenly Father will help you discover the best way to help them. As you seek inspiration, keep in mind that not all learning happens during scheduled lessons. In fact, part of what makes learning at home so powerful is the opportunity to learn by example and through small, simple moments—the kind that occur naturally in the flow of daily living. Just as following the covenant path is a consistent, lifelong process, so is learning about the covenant path. (See “Home and Family,” Teaching in the Savior’s Way [2022], 30–31.)

mother with child

There are many ways to prepare your children for their journey on God’s covenant path.

Below are some ideas that may lead to further inspiration. You can find additional ideas for teaching Primary-age children in “Appendix B: For Primary—Preparing Children for a Lifetime on God’s Covenant Path.”

Baptism and Confirmation

Nephi taught that “the gate by which [we] enter” the covenant path “is repentance and baptism by water” (2 Nephi 31:17). Your efforts to help your children prepare for baptism and confirmation can set their feet firmly on that path. These efforts begin with teaching about faith in Jesus Christ and repentance. They also include teaching about how we renew our baptismal covenants by partaking of the sacrament each week.

Here are some resources that can help you: 2 Nephi 31; special issue of the Friend magazine about baptism; Gospel Topics, “Baptism,” Gospel Library.

  • Whenever you have an experience that strengthens your faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, share it with your child. Help them understand that faith is something that can grow stronger and stronger throughout life. What are some things your child can do to develop stronger faith in Christ before they are baptized?

  • When your child makes a wrong choice, speak joyfully about the gift of repentance. And when you make a wrong choice, share the joy that comes when you repent. Testify that because Jesus Christ suffered and died for our sins, He gave us power to change. When your child seeks forgiveness, forgive freely and joyfully.

  • Tell your child about your baptism. Show pictures and share memories. Talk about how you felt, how your baptismal covenants have helped you come to know Jesus Christ better, and how they continue to bless your life. Encourage your child to ask questions.

  • When there is a baptism in your family or your ward, take your child to see it. Talk together about what you and your child saw and felt. If possible, talk to the person being baptized and ask questions like the following: “How did you make this decision? How did you prepare?”

  • Whenever you notice your child doing something they promised to do, give sincere praise. Point out that keeping commitments helps us prepare to keep the covenants we make when we are baptized. What do we promise God when we are baptized? What does He promise us? (see Mosiah 18:8–10, 13).

  • When you and your child have a sacred experience together (such as at church, while reading the scriptures, or while serving someone), tell them about the spiritual feelings or impressions you have. Invite your child to share how they feel. Note the variety of ways the Spirit can speak to people, including ways He speaks to you personally. Help your child recognize moments when they may be experiencing the influence of the Holy Ghost.

  • Watch together a few of the videos in the Gospel Library collection titled “Hear Him!” Talk together about the different ways the Lord’s servants hear His voice. Invite your child to draw a picture or make a video about how they hear the Savior’s voice.

  • Talk about how becoming a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has blessed you. How have you come closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ as you have served others and as others have served you? Help your child think of ways to serve and strengthen others as a member of the Church.

  • Make the sacrament a sacred and joyful event in your family. Help your child plan ways to focus on Jesus Christ during the sacrament. How will we show that the sacrament is sacred to us?

  • Many issues of the Friend magazine include articles, stories, and activities to help children prepare for baptism and confirmation. Let your child choose some to read and enjoy with you. (See also the collection “Preparing for Baptism” in the children’s section of the Gospel Library.)

    boy being baptized

    Nephi taught that “the gate by which [we] enter” the covenant path “is repentance and baptism by water” (2 Nephi 31:17).

Priesthood Power, Authority, and Keys

The priesthood is the authority and power of God by which He blesses His children. God’s priesthood is on the earth today in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. All Church members who keep their covenants—including children—are blessed with God’s priesthood power in their homes to strengthen themselves and their families (see General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 3.5, Gospel Library). This power will assist members in doing God’s work of salvation and exaltation in their personal lives and families (see General Handbook2.2).

We receive ordinances by the authority of the priesthood. When men and women serve in Church callings, they do so with priesthood authority, under the direction of those who hold priesthood keys. All of Heavenly Father’s children—His sons and His daughters—will be blessed as they come to better understand the priesthood.

To learn more about the priesthood, see Russell M. Nelson, “Spiritual Treasures,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2019, 76–79; Russell M. Nelson, “The Price of Priesthood Power,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2016, 66–69; “Priesthood Principles,” chapter 3 in General Handbook.

  • Make priesthood ordinances a consistent part of your family life. For example, help your child prepare spiritually for the sacrament each week. Encourage your child to seek priesthood blessings when they are sick or need comfort or direction. Make it a habit to point out ways the Lord is blessing your family through priesthood power.

  • As you read the scriptures together, watch for opportunities to discuss how God blesses people through His power. Share your own experiences of when God has blessed you through His priesthood. For examples of blessings we receive from God through the priesthood, see General Handbook, 3.2, 3.5.

  • Learn the priesthood line of authority of someone in your family. (Melchizedek Priesthood holders can receive a copy of their line of authority by sending an email to; see also “Request a Priesthood Line of Authority” in the Help Center on Talk about why it’s important to know that priesthood authority comes from Jesus Christ Himself. Why does He share it with us?

  • Teach your child that after baptism, they can receive priesthood power by keeping the baptismal covenant. Review together President Russell M. Nelson’s message “Spiritual Treasures” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2019, 76–79). Tell your child how priesthood ordinances have brought God’s power into your life. For a list of some of the ways we are blessed by priesthood power, see General Handbook, 3.5.

  • Discuss the question “What is a servant of the Lord like?” Read together Doctrine and Covenants 121:36–42, and look for answers. Whenever you notice your child (or someone else) applying one of the principles or attributes in these verses, point it out.

  • When you or your child uses keys to unlock a door or start a car, take a moment to compare those keys to the keys that priesthood leaders hold. (For a definition of priesthood keys, see General Handbook, 3.4.1). What do priesthood keys “unlock” or “start” for us? See also Gary E. Stevenson, “Where Are the Keys and Authority of the Priesthood?,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2016, 29–32; “Where Are the Keys?” (video), Gospel Library.

  • When you are set apart for a calling, invite your child to be present, if possible. Let your child see you fulfilling your calling. You might even look for appropriate ways they can help you. Describe how you feel the Lord’s power in your calling.

Going to the Temple—Baptisms and Confirmations for the Dead

Temples are a part of Heavenly Father’s plan for His children. In temples, we make sacred covenants with Heavenly Father as we participate in sacred ordinances, all of which point to Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father has provided a way for all His children to make covenants and participate in ordinances, including people who did not receive them in this life. At the beginning of the year they turn 12, your child is old enough to be baptized and confirmed in the temple for deceased ancestors.

  • Attend the temple as often as your circumstances allow. Talk to your child about why you are going and how the temple helps you feel closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

  • Review and discuss the temple recommend questions together. Talk to your child about what happens in a temple recommend interview. Share why having a temple recommend is important to you.

  • Read together Malachi 4:6. Talk about how your hearts could turn to your ancestors. Learn more about your ancestors by exploring your family history together on Look for ancestors who need to be baptized and confirmed. A ward temple and family history consultant can help you.

  • Review together some of the resources in the collection titled “Temple” in the children’s section of the Gospel Library. (See also “Preparing Your Child for Temple Baptisms and Confirmations” on

Receiving a Patriarchal Blessing

A patriarchal blessing can be a source of guidance, comfort, and inspiration. It contains personal counsel from Heavenly Father to us and helps us understand our eternal identity and purpose. Help your child prepare to receive a patriarchal blessing by teaching them the significance and sacred nature of patriarchal blessings.

To learn more, see Gospel Topics, “Patriarchal Blessings,” Gospel Library.

  • Share with your child your experience of receiving a patriarchal blessing. You could share things like how you prepared to receive it, how it has helped you come closer to God, and how you use the blessing in your life. You could also invite your child to talk to other family members who have received their patriarchal blessings.

  • Take time to review together some of the resources in Gospel Topics, “Patriarchal Blessings.” To learn about the process of receiving a patriarchal blessing, see General Handbook18.17.

  • If you have ancestors who received patriarchal blessings, it might be inspiring to read some of them with your child. To request the blessings of ancestors who have died, log in to, click the account icon at the top right corner of the screen, and select “Patriarchal Blessing.”

  • After your child has received a patriarchal blessing, invite any family members who were present to record their feelings and to share them with your child.

Going to the Temple—the Endowment

God wants to endow, or bless, all His children with “power from on high” (Doctrine and Covenants 95:8). We go to the temple to receive our own endowment only once, but the covenants we make with God and the spiritual power He gives us as part of the endowment can bless us every day of our lives.

  • Display a picture of the temple in your home. Tell your child about the feelings you experience in the temple. Talk often about your love for the Lord and His house and the covenants you have made there.

  • Explore together Read together articles like “About the Temple Endowment” and “Prepare for the House of the Lord.” Let your child ask any questions they have about the temple. For guidance about what you can talk about outside the temple, see Elder David A. Bednar’s message “Prepared to Obtain Every Needful Thing” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2019, 101–4; see especially the section titled “Home-Centered and Church-Supported Learning and Temple Preparation”).

  • As you and your child participate in or witness other ordinances (such as the sacrament or a blessing of healing), take a moment to discuss the symbolism involved in the ordinance. What do the symbols represent? How do they testify of Jesus Christ? This can help your child prepare to ponder the symbolic meaning of temple ordinances, which also testify of Jesus Christ.

  • Help your child notice how they are keeping the baptismal covenant described in Mosiah 18:8–10, 13. Also help your child notice how the Lord is blessing them. Build your child’s confidence in their ability to keep covenants.

  • Talk openly and frequently about how your temple covenants guide your choices and help you grow closer to Jesus Christ. You could use General Handbook, 27.2, to review the covenants we make in the temple.

Serving a Mission

Elder David A. Bednar taught: “The single most important thing you can do to prepare for a call to serve is to become a missionary long before you go on a mission. … The issue is not going on a mission; rather, the issue is becoming a missionary and serving throughout our entire life with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength. … You are preparing for a lifetime of missionary work” (“Becoming a Missionary,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2005, 45–46). The experiences your child has becoming a missionary will bless them eternally, not just for the period of time they may serve as a missionary.

To learn more, see Russell M. Nelson, “Preaching the Gospel of Peace,” Liahona, May 2022, 6–7; M. Russell Ballard, “Missionary Service Blessed My Life Forever,” Liahona, May 2022, 8–10; Missionary Preparation: Adjusting to Missionary Life, Gospel Library.

  • Model how to share the gospel in natural ways. Always be alert to opportunities to share with others your feelings about Heavenly Father and the Savior and the blessings you receive as a member of His Church. Invite others to join your family in Church- and family-related activities.

  • Look for opportunities for your family to interact with missionaries. Invite them to teach your friends, or offer to let them teach people in your home. Ask the missionaries about the experiences they’re having and how missionary service is helping them draw closer to Jesus Christ. Also ask what they did (or wish they had done) to prepare to be missionaries.

  • If you served a mission, talk openly and often about your experiences. Or invite friends or family members who served missions to talk about theirs. You could also talk about ways you’ve shared the gospel with others throughout your life. Help your child think of ways they can share the gospel.

  • Give your child opportunities to teach your family principles of the gospel. Your child could also practice sharing their beliefs with others. For example, you could discuss questions like “How would we introduce the Book of Mormon to someone who has never heard of it?” or “How would we describe the need for the Savior to someone who is not a Christian?”

  • Help your child become comfortable talking to people. What are some good ways to start a conversation? Encourage your child to learn how to listen to what others say, understand what is in their hearts, and share truths of the gospel that could bless their lives.

  • Look for opportunities for your child to learn about other cultures and faiths. Help them recognize and respect the good and true principles in others’ beliefs.

Going to the Temple—Sealing

In the temple, a husband and wife can be married for eternity. This occurs in an ordinance called sealing. Even though this ordinance may be many years away for your daughter or son, the small, simple, consistent things you do together during those years can help them prepare for this wonderful blessing.

  • Read together “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” in Gospel Library. What does this proclamation teach about happiness in family life and about successful marriages? With your child, choose one of the principles listed in the proclamation to study. You could look up scriptures related to that principle in the Guide to the Scriptures. You could also set goals to apply that principle more fully in your family. As you work on your goals, discuss together the effect that living that principle has on family life.

  • With your child, read President Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s message “In Praise of Those Who Save” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2016, 77–80). When you get to the section titled “A Society of Disposables,” you might look for things in your home that are disposable and other things that are not. Talk about how you treat things differently when you want them to last a long time. What does this suggest about how we should treat marriage and family relationships? What else do we learn from President Uchtdorf’s message about how the Savior can help us build strong marriages and families?

  • If you are married, be open with your child about the things you feel you’re doing well as a couple, the things you’re learning, and the ways you’re trying to improve. If you and your spouse have been sealed in the temple, show your child by example how you strive to keep your covenants with each other and with the Lord. Tell your child how you strive to make Heavenly Father and the Savior the center of your relationship and how They are helping you.

  • When family decisions need to be made, hold family councils and discussions. Make sure that all family members’ opinions are heard and valued. Use these discussions as an opportunity to model healthy communication and kindness in family relationships, even when not everyone sees things the same way.

  • When there is disagreement or conflict in the family, demonstrate patience and compassion. Help your child see how handling conflict in Christlike ways can help them prepare for a happy marriage. Read together Doctrine and Covenants 121:41–42, and talk about how the principles in these verses can be applied to marriage.
