Come, Follow Me
November 18–24: “That Evil May Be Done Away.” Ether 6–11

“November 18–24: ‘That Evil May Be Done Away.’ Ether 6–11,” Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 (2023)

“November 18–24. Ether 6–11,” Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: 2024 (2023)

Jaredite barges on the sea

I Will Bring You Up Again out of the Depths, by Jonathan Arthur Clarke

November 18–24: “That Evil May Be Done Away”

Ether 6–11

Hundreds of years after the Jaredites were destroyed, the Nephites discovered the ruins of their ancient civilization. Among these ruins was a mysterious record—plates of “pure gold” that were “filled with engravings,” and the Nephites “were desirous beyond measure” to read it (Mosiah 8:9; 28:12). Today you have an abridgment of this record, and it’s called the book of Ether. When the Nephites read it, “they were filled with sorrow” to learn of the tragic fall of the Jaredites. “Nevertheless it gave them much knowledge, in the which they did rejoice” (Mosiah 28:18). You, too, may find sorrowful moments in this book. But you can also rejoice in this gift of knowledge. As Moroni wrote, “it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you … that evil may be done away, and that the time may come that Satan may have no power upon the hearts of the children of men” (Ether 8:2326).

Ideas for Learning at Home and at Church

Ether 6:1–12

The Lord will guide me through my mortal journey.

You may find spiritual insights if you compare the Jaredites’ voyage across the ocean to your journey through life. For example, what has the Lord provided that lights your way like the stones in the Jaredites’ barges? What might the barges represent, or the winds that “blow towards the promised land”? (Ether 6:8). What do you learn from the actions of the Jaredites before, during, and after the voyage? How is the Lord leading you toward your promised land?

“Sing praises unto the Lord.” The Jaredites expressed their gratitude and love for God through song and praise (see Ether 6:9). You might look for or create opportunities to use music and heartfelt testimony to praise God at home and at church. For example, it might be appropriate to sing a hymn of praise like “Praise the Lord with Heart and Voice” (Hymns, no. 73) when studying Ether 6:1–12.

Jaredite family inside their barge

Baby on Board, by Kendal Ray Johnson

Ether 6:5–18, 30; 9:28–35; 10:1–2

“Walk humbly before the Lord.”

Although pride and wickedness seem to dominate Jaredite history, there are also examples of humility in these chapters—especially in Ether 6:5–18, 30; 9:28–35; and 10:1–2. Pondering the following questions could help you learn from these examples: Why did these Jaredites humble themselves in these situations? How did they show their humility? How did God bless them as a result? Consider what you can do to willingly “walk humbly before the Lord” (Ether 6:17) rather than being compelled to be humble (see Mosiah 4:11–12; Alma 32:14–18).

See also Dale G. Renlund, “Do Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with God,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2020, 109–12.

Ether 7–11

seminary icon
I can become a Christlike leader.

Chapters 7–11 of Ether cover at least 28 generations. Although little detail can be given in such little space, a pattern quickly emerges about the consequences of righteous and wicked leadership. What do you learn about leadership from the examples—negative and positive—of the kings listed below?

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave helpful counsel about leadership in his message “The Greatest among You” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 78–81). Consider studying this message—especially the stories that he tells—looking for principles or patterns of Christlike leadership. When have you seen these principles or patterns demonstrated in people who lead?

As you ponder what you’ve learned, think about opportunities you have to lead or influence others in your home, community, Church calling, and so on. How can you develop qualities of Christlike leadership, even if you don’t have a specific leadership assignment?

See also, “Principles of Leadership in the Church,” General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 4.2, Gospel Library.

Ether 8:7–26

The Lord does not work in darkness.

When people conspire to keep their wicked acts secret, they are involved in a secret combination. In addition to the secret combination described in Ether 8:7–18, other examples can be found in Helaman 1:9–12; 2:2–11; 6:16–30; Moses 5:29–33. Consider contrasting these verses with 2 Nephi 26:22–24, in which Nephi described how the Lord does His work. Why do you think Moroni was commanded to write what he did about secret combinations?

What have you learned from the book of Ether that can help you obtain the blessings described in Ether 8:26?

Ideas for Teaching Children

Ether 6:1–12

I can trust Heavenly Father to comfort me when I am scared.

  • Everyone has hard days—even little children. Perhaps you could help your children find words and phrases in Ether 6:1–12 that show how the Jaredites trusted God during some really tough and scary days. Consider sharing with each other some experiences when God helped you during difficult times in your life.

Ether 6:9, 12, 30; 7:27; 10:2

Remembering what the Lord has done brings gratitude and peace.

  • After arriving safely in the promised land, the Jaredites were so thankful that they “shed tears of joy” (Ether 6:12). You might inspire your children to feel thankful for God’s blessings by helping them find phrases from Ether 6:9, 12 that show how the Jaredites expressed their thanks to God. They may enjoy singing, like the Jaredites did, a song that expresses gratitude, like “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (Children’s Songbook, 195). Ask your children to tell you about some things they are thankful for.

  • Perhaps your children could read Ether 6:30; 7:27; and 10:2 and find what these righteous kings remembered. How did it affect the way they led their people? You and your children could discuss ways to remind yourselves of what God has done for you. For example, maybe they could write about it or draw pictures. You might suggest that they make a regular habit of writing down blessings they notice from God (see “O Remember, Remember” [video], Gospel Library).

Ether 7:24–27

I am blessed when I follow God’s prophet.

  • Perhaps you and your children would enjoy acting out some things the prophet has taught us to do. You could even turn it into a game in which you guess what the actions represent. This could prepare your children to discuss why it is important to follow God’s prophet. You could then read Ether 7:24–27 to find out what happened when the people obeyed God’s prophet. How are we blessed by following the prophet today?

Ether 9:28–35; 11:5–8

The Lord is merciful when I repent.

  • Looking for patterns is a useful scripture study skill. The book of Ether contains a repeated pattern that emphasizes the Lord’s mercy. To help your children find this pattern, invite them to read Ether 9:28–35 and Ether 11:5–8, looking for similarities between the two accounts. What do we learn from these stories? Perhaps they could look for pictures in the Gospel Art Book of other people in the scriptures who repented and were forgiven.

For more ideas, see this month’s issue of the Friend magazine.

Jaredite barges on the sea

Jaredite Barges, by Gary Ernest Smith
