Nephi’s father, Helaman, had urged his sons to “remember, remember.” He wanted them to remember their ancestors, remember the words of the prophets, and most of all, remember “our Redeemer, who is Christ” (see Helaman 5:5–14). It’s clear that Nephi did remember because this is the same message he declared years later “with unwearyingness” to the people (Helaman 10:4). “How could you have forgotten your God?” he asked (Helaman 7:20). All of Nephi’s efforts—preaching, praying, performing miracles, and petitioning God for a famine—were attempts to help the people turn to God and remember Him. In many ways, forgetting God is an even bigger problem than not knowing Him. And it’s easy to forget Him when our minds are distracted by “the vain things of this world” and clouded by sin (Helaman 7:21; see also Helaman 12:2). But, as Nephi’s ministry shows, it’s never too late to remember and “turn … unto the Lord your God” (Helaman 7:17).
Helaman 7–11 is a particularly good place to learn about what prophets do. As you read these chapters, pay attention to Nephi’s actions, thoughts, and interactions with the Lord. How does Nephi’s ministry help you understand the role of prophets? Here are a few examples. What else do you find?
Helaman 7:17–22: Prophets cry repentance and warn of the consequences of sin.
Based on what you’ve read, how would you describe what a prophet is and what he does? Consider writing a brief definition. Then see what you would add to your definition after reading the entry for “Prophet” in the Guide to the Scriptures (Gospel Library) or “Follow the Living Prophet” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Ezra Taft Benson [2014], 147–55).
Did you notice how bold Nephi was in Helaman 7:11–29? Why do you feel prophets sometimes need to speak with boldness like Nephi did? Consider looking for answers in the section titled “Don’t Be Surprised” in Elder Neil L. Andersen’s message “The Prophet of God” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 26).
With all of these truths in mind, ponder how the Lord has blessed you through the ministry of His prophets. What has He taught you recently through our living prophet? What are you doing to listen to and follow the Lord’s direction?
See also Gospel Topics, “Prophets,” Gospel Library.
My faith in Jesus Christ must be built on more than signs and miracles.
If signs or miracles were enough to change a person’s heart, all the Nephites would have been converted by the remarkable signs Nephi gave in Helaman 9. But that didn’t happen. Notice the various ways people reacted to the miracle in Helaman 9–10. For example, you might compare the responses of the five men and the chief judges in Helaman 9:1–20 (see also Helaman 9:39–41; 10:12–15). What do you learn from these experiences about how to build your faith in Jesus Christ?
The Lord gives power to people who seek His will and strive to keep His commandments.
As you study Helaman 10:1–12, notice what Nephi did to gain the Lord’s trust. How did he demonstrate that he sought the Lord’s will rather than his own? What does Nephi’s experience inspire you to do?
When you feel downtrodden, anxious, or confused, you might learn an important lesson from Nephi’s example in Helaman 10:2–4. What did he do when he felt “cast down”? (verse 3).
President Henry B. Eyring explained, “When we ponder, we invite revelation by the Spirit” (“Serve with the Spirit,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 60). How might you create a habit of pondering?
How do you remember important information—like a family member’s birthday or information for a test? How is this similar to the effort that is required to “remember the Lord”? (Helaman 12:5). How is it different?
Helaman 12 describes several things that cause people to forget the Lord. Perhaps you could list them and ponder whether they could be distracting you from Him. What helps you remember Jesus Christ? What are you inspired to do based on what you learned?
Use object lessons. The Savior often related gospel principles to everyday things that people were familiar with. When learning or teaching about Helaman 12:1–6, you could compare “the unsteadiness … of men” to the way we feel trying to balance on one leg. How can we remain spiritually steady?
To start a conversation about remembering the Lord, you could tell your children about a time when you forgot something. Let them share similar experiences of their own. Then you could read together Helaman 7:20–21 and ask your children what they think it means to forget God. Maybe your children could draw pictures of things that could cause us to forget the Lord and use their drawings to cover a picture of Jesus. Then they could think of things they can do to remember Him. As they share their thoughts, they could take away the drawings one by one until the picture of the Savior is revealed.
Help your children search Helaman 8:13–23 to find names of prophets who taught about Jesus Christ. Maybe they can pass around a picture of Jesus each time they find one. What has our living prophet taught about the Savior?
You could also sing together a song about prophets, such as “Follow the Prophet” (Children’s Songbook, 110–11). Maybe you and your children could pick a key phrase from the song and write one word from the phrase on each of several paper footprints. Then you could lay the footprints on the floor leading to a picture of the Savior, and your children could follow the footprints toward the picture. How has following the prophet led us to Jesus Christ?
To help your children understand what it means to ponder, you could read together “Ponder” in Guide to the Scriptures (Gospel Library). What are some other words that are similar to ponder? Perhaps you could read Helaman 10:1–3 together and replace the word ponder with those other words. Talk with your children about ways to make pondering part of their scripture study.
Nephi obeyed Heavenly Father even when it meant doing something difficult. For an example of this, you and your children could read Helaman 10:2, 11–12. Maybe your children could act out what Nephi did—walk toward one side of the room (as if they are going home), stop, turn around, and walk toward the other side of the room (as if they are returning to teach the people). What are some things Heavenly Father wants us to do?
For more ideas, see this month’s issue of the Friend magazine.