Come, Follow Me
August 19–25: “Preserved by His Marvelous Power.” Alma 53–63

“August 19–25: ‘Preserved by His Marvelous Power.’ Alma 53–63,” Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 (2023)

“August 19–25. Alma 53–63,” Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: 2024 (2023)

two thousand young warriors

Two Thousand Young Warriors, by Arnold Friberg

August 19–25: “Preserved by His Marvelous Power”

Alma 53–63

When compared with the Lamanite armies, Helaman’s “little army” (Alma 56:33) of young men shouldn’t have stood a chance. Besides being few in number, Helaman’s soldiers “were all … very young,” and “they never had fought” (Alma 56:46–47). In some ways, their situation might seem familiar to those of us who sometimes feel outnumbered and overwhelmed in our latter-day battle against Satan and the forces of evil in the world.

But the army of Helaman had some advantages over the Lamanites that had nothing to do with numbers or military skill. They chose Helaman, a prophet, to lead them (see Alma 53:19); “they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them” (Alma 56:47); and they had “exceeding faith in that which they had been taught.” As a result, they were protected by “the miraculous power of God” (Alma 57:26). So when facing life’s battles, we can take courage. Helaman’s army teaches us that “there [is] a just God, and whosoever [does] not doubt, [will] be preserved by his marvelous power” (Alma 57:26).

Ideas for Learning at Home and at Church

Alma 53:10–22; 56:43–49, 55–56; 57:20–27; 58:39–40

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Having faith in God helps me overcome fear.

If it weren’t for their faith, Helaman’s young soldiers would have had good reason to feel afraid. But because of their faith, they had even more reason to be courageous. As you read about them in Alma 53–58, look for things that help you face your fears with faith in Christ. Consider focusing on the following verses: Alma 53:10–22; 56:43–49, 55–56; 57:20–27; and 58:39–40. This table could help you record what you find.

Characteristics of Helaman’s young soldiers:

Possible reasons their faith in Christ was so strong:

What they did to exercise faith in Christ:

How God blessed them:

To win our spiritual battles, we also need the power of Jesus Christ. How can you access His power? Look for answers in President Russell M. Nelson’s message “Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 39–42). You might compare his counsel with things that Helaman’s soldiers did.

After studying these things, think about your own spiritual battles. Write down what you feel inspired to do to exercise your faith in Jesus Christ.

See also Neil L. Andersen, “Wounded,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2018, 83–86; “True to the Faith,” Hymns, no. 254; “Drawing upon the Power of God in Our Lives” (video), Gospel Library; Gospel Topics, “Faith in Jesus Christ,” Gospel Library.

young soldiers with their mother

They Did Not Doubt, by Joseph Brickey

Alma 58:1–12, 31–3761

Followers of Jesus Christ are not easily offended.

Helaman and Pahoran had reasons to be offended. Helaman was not receiving support for his armies, and Pahoran was falsely accused by Moroni of withholding that support (see Alma 58:4–9, 31–32; 60). What impresses you about their reactions in Alma 58:1–12, 31–37 and Alma 61? Why do you feel they responded this way?

Elder David A. Bednar pointed to Pahoran as example of meekness and taught that “the most majestic and meaningful examples of meekness are found in the life of the Savior Himself” (“Meek and Lowly of Heart,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 32). Ponder how the Savior showed meekness. See, for instance, Matthew 27:11–26; Luke 22:41–42; John 13:4–17. How can you follow His example?

Alma 60:7–14

I have a responsibility to lift people around me.

Moroni wrote that God would hold Pahoran responsible if he knowingly neglected the needs of the Nephite armies. What do you learn from Alma 60:7–14 about caring for people in need? What can you do to be more aware of and meet the needs of others?

Alma 62:39–51

If I am humble, life’s challenges can turn my heart to God.

Put a raw egg and a potato in boiling water to help you think about how you can choose to be either “softened” or “hardened” by your trials. While your egg and potato are cooking, study Alma 62:39–51, and notice how the people reacted to Helaman’s ministry after their long war with the Lamanites. You could then compare this to how they had reacted to his preaching 13 years earlier (see Alma 45:20–24). How were the Nephites affected differently by the same afflictions? When the egg and potato are fully cooked, crack the egg and cut the potato. How did the boiling water affect them differently? What are you learning about how we can choose to react to affliction? How can you turn to God during your afflictions?

Draw on experiences in the home. If you teach a Church class, ask class members to share what they learned at home. For instance, find out what they learned about afflictions and humility from boiling eggs and potatoes.

For more ideas, see this month’s issues of the Liahona and For the Strength of Youth magazines.

Ideas for Teaching Children

Alma 53:20–21; 56:47–48

I can be faithful to God like Helaman’s young soldiers.

  • You can use many resources to share the story of Helaman’s soldiers, including the pictures in this outline and “Chapter 34: Helaman and the 2,000 Young Warriors” (Book of Mormon Stories, 93–94). This week’s activity page can help your children think of ways they can be like the army of Helaman. Consider sharing some of the qualities of the young soldiers from Alma 53:20–21 to get them started. You could also sing together “We’ll Bring the World His Truth” (Children’s Songbook, 172–73).

Alma 56:45–48; 57:21

I can be faithful to what my parents teach in righteousness.

  • Helaman’s young soldiers looked to their mothers’ faith when they were faced with a great challenge. Perhaps you could read Alma 56:46–48 with your children and invite them to listen for what the mothers of these young men taught them about faith. You might ask them what they’ve learned from their parents—or other faithful adults—about the Savior. Why is it important to obey “with exactness”? (Alma 57:21).

  • How can you—like the mothers of the stripling soldiers—make sure your children know of your faith in God? One way is to share how your faith affects your life. For example, how has He “delivered” you when you “did not doubt”?

mother teaching her son

Seed of Faith, by Jay Ward

Alma 53:10–18

I can keep my covenants with Heavenly Father.

  • Your children might be able to talk about a time when someone made and kept a promise with them. How did they feel when the promise was kept? You could read Alma 53:10–18 and invite your children to look for how Helaman, the people of Ammon, and the sons of the people of Ammon made and kept their promises, or covenants. You might share how Heavenly Father blesses you as you keep your covenants.

Alma 61:3–14

I can choose to not be angry.

Consider inviting your children to think about a time when they were accused of doing something they didn’t do. Tell them about how this happened to Pahoran (see Alma 60–61; see also “Chapter 35: Captain Moroni and Pahoran,” Book of Mormon Stories, 95–97). To learn about how Pahoran reacted, take turns reading verses from Alma 61:3–14. What did Pahoran do when Moroni accused him? (see Alma 61:2–3, 8–9). What do we learn about forgiveness from the Savior’s example? (see Luke 23:34).

For more ideas, see this month’s issue of the Friend magazine.

two thousand young warriors

It’s True, Sir, All Present and Accounted For, by Clark Kelley Price
