Come, Follow Me
July 22–28: “Plant This Word in Your Hearts.” Alma 32–35

“July 22–28: ‘Plant This Word in Your Hearts.’ Alma 32–35,” Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 (2023)

“July 22–28. Alma 32–35,” Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: 2024 (2023)

seed in child’s hand

July 22–28: “Plant This Word in Your Hearts”

Alma 32–35

For the Zoramites, prayer consisted of standing where all could see and repeating empty, self-satisfied words. The Zoramites lacked faith in Jesus Christ—even denied His existence—and persecuted the poor (see Alma 31:9–25). By contrast, Alma and Amulek taught that prayer has more to do with what happens in our hearts than on a public platform. And if we do not show compassion toward people in need, our prayer is “vain, and availeth … nothing” (Alma 34:28). Most important, we pray because we have faith in Jesus Christ, who offers redemption through His “infinite and eternal sacrifice” (Alma 34:10). Such faith, Alma explained, starts with humility and a “desire to believe” (Alma 32:27). Over time, with constant nourishment, the word of God takes root in our hearts until it becomes “a tree springing up unto everlasting life” (Alma 32:41).

Ideas for Learning at Home and at Church

Alma 32:17–43

I exercise faith in Jesus Christ by planting and nourishing His word in my heart.

As you read Alma 32:17–43, note words and phrases that help you understand how to exercise faith in Jesus Christ. What do you learn about what faith is and what it is not?

Another way to study Alma 32 is to draw pictures representing different phases of a seed’s growth. Then label each picture with words from Alma 32:28–43 that help you understand how to plant and nourish the word of God in your heart.

See also Russell M. Nelson, “Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains,” Liahona, May 2021, 101–4.

Alma 32:26–43

I can know for myself.

To the Zoramites who weren’t yet sure about Alma’s testimony of Christ, Alma suggested “an experiment” (see Alma 32:27). Experiments require desire, curiosity, action, and at least a little faith—and they can lead to wonderful discoveries! Think about experiments you’ve seen or participated in. According to Alma 32:26–36, what kind of experiment can lead to faith in Jesus Christ?

How have you have “experimented” upon the word of God and come to know that “the word is good”? (Alma 32:28).

Alma 33:2–11; 34:17–29

I can worship God in prayer, anytime and anywhere.

Alma and Amulek’s counsel about worship and prayer was meant to correct specific misunderstandings the Zoramites had. Consider listing them (see Alma 31:13–23). Next to that list, you could make a list of truths about prayer in Alma 33:2–11 and 34:17–29. How will the things that you learn from these verses affect the way you pray and worship?

You can also find insights from a hymn about prayer, such as “Sweet Hour of Prayer” (Hymns, no. 142).

Alma 34:9–16

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I need Jesus Christ and His Atonement.

Notice how many times Amulek used the words infinite and eternal to describe the Savior’s atoning sacrifice in Alma 34:9–14. Why is it important to know that the Savior’s Atonement is infinite and eternal? Look for words and phrases in these verses that also describe the Savior’s Atonement: Hebrews 10:10; 2 Nephi 9:21; Mosiah 3:13.

Even when we know Jesus’s power to save is infinite and eternal, we might sometimes doubt that it applies to us—or to someone who has sinned against us. Elder David A. Bednar once spoke of people who “seem to have faith in the Savior, but they do not believe His promised blessings are available to them” (“If Ye Had Known Me,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2016, 104). What might keep us from fully receiving the Savior’s power? Ponder how you can know that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is infinite and eternal.

To ponder how much you need the Savior’s Atonement, it might help to think of something you need every day. Ask yourself, “What would my life be like without this?” Then, as you study Alma 34:9–16, ponder what your life would be like without Jesus Christ. You could find other insights in 2 Nephi 9:7–9. How would you summarize Alma 34:9–10 in one sentence?

See also Michael John U. Teh, “Our Personal Savior,” Liahona, May 2021, 99–101; Gospel Topics, “Atonement of Jesus Christ,” Gospel Library; “Reclaimed” (video), Gospel Library.

Alma 34:30–41

“Now is the time and the day of your salvation.”

Imagine that you want to participate in a marathon or a musical performance. What would happen if you waited until the day of the event to prepare? How does this example relate to Amulek’s warnings in Alma 34:32–35? What is the danger of delaying our efforts to repent and change?

Verse 31 also has a message for people who might worry that they’ve already delayed too long and it’s too late to repent. What would you say that message is?

For more ideas, see this month’s issues of the Liahona and For the Strength of Youth magazines.

Ideas for Teaching Children

Alma 32:1–16

The Lord can teach me as I choose to be humble.

  • Alma and Amulek had success teaching the Zoramites who were humble. What does it mean to be humble? Help your children find a definition of humble in the Guide to the Scriptures. What other clues about the meaning of these words can we find in Alma 32:13–16? Invite your children to complete a sentence like “I am being humble when I .”

Alma 32:28–43

My testimony of Jesus Christ grows as I nourish it.

  • Seeds, trees, and fruit are familiar objects that can help children understand abstract principles like faith and testimony. Let your children hold a seed while you read Alma 32:28. Then you could ask them to help you think of ways that growing a testimony of Jesus Christ is like planting and nourishing a seed (see “Chapter 29: Alma Teaches about Faith and the Word of God,” Book of Mormon Stories, 81). Maybe you could plant your seed and talk about what is needed to help a seed—or a testimony—grow.

  • A picture of a tree accompanies this outline; you might use it to illustrate Alma’s words in Alma 32:28–43. Or you could go for a walk to find plants at different stages of growth and read verses from Alma 32 that compare a growing plant to our testimony. Or maybe your children could draw a tree on the board and add a leaf or a fruit every time they think of something they can do to help their testimony of Jesus Christ grow.

  • You could let your children try to push a seed (representing the word of God) into a stone (representing a prideful heart) and into soft soil (representing a humble heart). Read together Alma 32:27–28. Talk about what it means to “give place” (verse 27) for the word of God in our hearts.

Draw pictures. Some people learn better when they draw a picture of what they’re learning. Your children might enjoy drawing a seed growing into a tree as they study Alma 32.

Alma 33:2–11; 34:17–27

I can pray to Heavenly Father anytime, about anything.

  • Help your children find phrases that describe places we can pray (in Alma 33:4–11) and things we can pray about (in Alma 34:17–27). Perhaps they could draw pictures of themselves praying in these places. Share with each other experiences when Heavenly Father heard your prayers. You could also sing a song about prayer, such as “A Child’s Prayer” (Children’s Songbook, 12–13).

For more ideas, see this month’s issue of the Friend magazine.

The voices in this lesson were generated using AI.

fruit on a tree

“Because of your diligence and your faith and your patience with the word in nourishing it, … behold, by and by ye shall pluck the fruit thereof, which is most precious” (Alma 32:42).
