“Doctrinal Mastery: Ether 12:27—Overcoming Our Weaknesses,” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)
“Doctrinal Mastery: Ether 12:27,” Book of Mormon Student Manual
Doctrinal Mastery: Ether 12:27
Overcoming Our Weaknesses
In your study of Ether 12:23–27, you learned that if we are humble and exercise faith in the Lord, He can turn our weaknesses into strengths. This lesson can help you memorize the doctrinal mastery reference and key scripture phrase for Ether 12:27, explain the doctrine, and apply principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge in real-life situations.
Explain and memorize
Without looking at Ether 12:27, see if you can fill in the missing blanks in this sentence based on the Lord’s teachings to Moroni:
If I , , and , then Jesus Christ will make weak things become strong unto me.
What do you think would be important for someone to remember about this sentence?
To help you memorize both the reference and the key scripture phrase, review them both a few times and then try writing them from memory in your study journal.
Ether 12:27: “If men come unto me … then will I make weak things become strong unto them.”
Compare what you wrote from memory with the reference and key scripture phrase above, and make any needed corrections. Try writing the reference and key scripture phrase three or four more times or until you can write them from memory.
Practice application
Try to recall the three principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge from memory, and write them in your study journal. If possible, include a brief explanation for each principle. If needed, review these principles in paragraphs 5–12 of the “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge” section of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document (2023).
Complete the following activity:
In your study journal, list some weaknesses that may cause a youth to feel incapable or inadequate.
Choose one of these weaknesses that you feel is relevant for many youth, and record how a youth could apply the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge to overcome this weakness.
One way to do this may be to list each of the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge in your study journal under the weakness you chose to focus on. Then you could list below each principle how it could be applied to the weakness, or you could record questions someone might ask about the principle.
For example, if you were to choose a weakness or concern like “Youth spend too much time on their phones,” your journal entry may look something like the following:
Youth spend too much time on their phones
Act in Faith
Perhaps those who struggle with this could pray more specifically for help with this problem. Before praying, they could ponder what help they may need for that day. They could maybe even pray before they use their phone.
God has given us technology to bless our lives and to help us and others be closer to Him; how can we use it in this way?
Ether 12:27: How can we show the Lord that we are humble, trust Him, and need His help improving at this?
Eternal Perspective
If someone doesn’t overcome this, how will it affect their future relationships, job, eternity, and so on?
What do I know about God and His standards? Why does our use of technology matter to Him?
Divinely Appointed Sources
I know my bishop has spoken about this, and I remember him talking about things he has done. I will ask him what resources he has used and what has helped him.
When you have finished, complete the previous activity again. This time focus on a specific weakness that you would like help with. You will not be asked to share this with others.