“1 Nephi 6–7: Identifying ‘the Things of God,’” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)
“1 Nephi 6–7: Identifying ‘the Things of God,’” Book of Mormon Student Manual
1 Nephi 6–7
Identifying “the Things of God”
If you were to write a record to be kept for future generations to learn from, what might you include? Nephi expressed his desire that his writings would be pleasing to God and persuade others to follow Jesus Christ. This lesson will help you understand how the purposes of the Book of Mormon can help you in your study and in your life.
Why study the Book of Mormon?
Imagine how you might respond if someone asked you the following questions:
There are lots of books about religion and becoming a better person; why should I read the Book of Mormon? What will it do for me? How is it different or better than other books?
Nephi shared his intent, or purposes, in recording what he did in the Book of Mormon. Knowing these purposes can help us understand why we should read the book and what it can do for us.
Read 1 Nephi 6:3–6 and consider marking words or phrases that identify Nephi’s purposes in keeping his record. It may be helpful to know that “the God of Abraham, … Isaac, and … Jacob” (verse 4) is a title for Jesus Christ.
Answer the following question:
How would you explain why Nephi recorded what he did?
According to Nephi, his writings were meant to persuade us to come to Jesus Christ and contained only things that are pleasing to God.
Take a moment to think about your experience reading the Book of Mormon so far.
Is the Book of Mormon helping you know the things that are pleasing unto God? If so, how?
Do you feel that studying the Book of Mormon is helping you come closer to Jesus Christ and be saved? Why or why not?
How might knowing the things of God and coming closer to Jesus Christ be a blessing in your life?
Coming unto Jesus Christ and knowing the things that are pleasing to God
A useful scripture study skill is to look for Nephi’s purposes as you read the Book of Mormon. You will have the opportunity to practice doing this as you study 1 Nephi 7.
The events Nephi recounted in 1 Nephi 7 could be divided into three major parts. Read the following summaries of each part. Select one and study it further, looking for anything that pleases God and helps us come unto Christ.
Part 1. 1 Nephi 7:1–5. Nephi and his brothers returned to Jerusalem again to persuade Ishmael’s family to join their journey to the promised land. This allowed Nephi and his brothers to marry and have families.
Part 2. 1 Nephi 7:6–18. Laman and Lemuel bound Nephi, intending to leave him to die in the wilderness. But Nephi exercised great faith, and the Lord miraculously delivered him.
Part 3. 1 Nephi 7:17–22. Nephi sincerely forgave his brothers for their attempt to kill him, and the group returned to Lehi and Sariah.
Record the scripture block you chose to study, and answer the following questions:
What did you learn from your study that you think would please God and help you come unto Christ?
How might what you’ve learned help you in your life?
Reflect on your experience studying today as you specifically looked for things that would help you come unto Jesus Christ and that are pleasing to God.
Answer the following question:
How might your scripture study improve if you consistently approach your study this way?