Lasting Joy is found in choosing to live the gospel of Jesus Christ
February 2024

Area Leadership Message

Lasting Joy is Found in Choosing to Live the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Losing my mother when I was 10 was the most difficult moment of my life. My pain was deep and overwhelming. My life became confused, and I could not focus on school. Worse, my father was not around either. I was completely alone. I had no perspective and didn’t know how to move forward with my life. I was unprepared to manage the grief and pain of living without my mom. I had to learn to do everything on my own and I especially had to learn to defend myself from bad influences around me.

Today, thinking back on those times, I know I was never alone. I always had my Heavenly Father by my side. As a child, I attended an all-girls Catholic school, and the nuns were of immense help to me, teaching me how to make good choices. They taught me to love God, to believe in Him, and most of all, to trust Him.

I will forever be grateful to these sweet nuns, for their caring and gentle guidance when I was so lost. As I grew up and graduated from my school, I did the best I could on my own, but I always carried a feeling that something was missing. One day, a friend, who later became my husband, sent two missionaries to visit my house. This was the turning point of my life.

The missionaries taught me about the restored gospel and the plan of salvation. They taught me a truth that was complete, and I learned to know my Savior even better than before. I came to understand my purpose on earth.

Because of this knowledge about Jesus Christ and His gospel, I started seeing life from a different angle and came to know that one day my mom and I will be united again forever. Nothing could compare to the joy I felt after learning this great truth.

In our quest for joy and happiness, we should remember that the Savior is our source of lasting joy. By developing faith in Him, we will get closer to our Heavenly Father and thus feel peace and joy. At the Last Supper, Jesus prepared His disciples for the trials to come. After He had taught them, He left them with a promise. He said: “These things have I spoken unto you… that your joy might be full.”1 Our understanding of the gospel and its part in our lives helps us feel this joy.

One powerful lesson taught by the prophet Lehi is that: “Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.”2

The fact that we came to earth to have joy does not mean we won’t have difficulties and tough times during our journey on earth. We will have our challenges. However, when we rely on our Lord Jesus Christ, everything will be okay.

President Russell M. Nelson taught: “The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.

“When the focus of our lives is on God’s plan of salvation… and Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy regardless of what is happening—or not happening—in our lives. Joy comes from and because of Him. He is the source of all joy.”3

Developing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ can be challenging, because having faith in the Savior is more than just belief in the Savior. It requires that we act as His disciples. When we demonstrate faith, our level of joy increases.

One of the best ways I know to demonstrate faith is by serving others. Faith is a principle of action and power. As I have served others, I feel closer to the Lord, and this increases my joy.

Ever since my baptism, I have been able to serve in the Church. My first opportunity was as a visiting teacher. I loved being a visiting teacher and loved serving with Myrlande Jolibois. As my companion, she taught me how to care for the sisters and how to bring joy to those we were invited to teach. We walked everywhere and happily visited all our sisters. Her service prepared me to receive my first calling three months after my baptism. I was called to be the Relief Society president and continued to serve the sisters in my ward.

Elder D. Todd Christofferson taught: “Joy comes from keeping Christ’s commandments, from overcoming sorrow and weakness through Him, and from serving as He served.”4

Serving others brings a spirit of joy that is not easy to describe. The prophet Alma tried to explain that joy when he said: “And this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy. …

“Now, when I think of the success of these my brethren my soul is carried away, even to the separation of it from the body, as it were, so great is my joy.”5

Like Alma, I too feel this joy in service. I am filled with joy when I help families come to the temple for the first time. I feel joy when I see sisters understand the ordinances of the temple when they are finally able to hear them in their own language. I feel joy when I see many families in Haiti sealed for time and all eternity. I am filled with joy when I see strong priesthood holders and faithful mothers rearing their children in unity and love. I see their joy and that helps me feel the presence of my Heavenly Father and His eternal plan even more.

When we keep the commandments and stay on the covenant path, we become more powerful spiritually, we have peace of mind, and we feel true happiness. I am so grateful for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I know lasting joy is a gift and blessing reserved to every son and daughter of our Heavenly Father who strives to remain faithful, despite the struggles, grief, and challenges of life.


  1. John 15:11.

  2. 2 Nephi 2:25.

  3. Russell M. Nelson, “Joy and Spiritual Survival”, Liahona, Nov. 2016, 82.

  4. D. Todd Christofferson, “The Joy of the Saints”, Liahona, Nov. 2019, 15.

  5. Alma 29:9, 16.