Zion’s Camp—Preparing to Serve the Lord
September 2021

“Zion’s Camp—Preparing to Serve the Lord,” Liahona, September 2021

Come, Follow Me

Zion’s Camp—Preparing to Serve the Lord

Doctrine and Covenants 102–105

article on Zion’s Camp

After the group of Church members known as Zion’s Camp had marched hundreds of miles to help their fellow Latter-day Saints, the Lord told Joseph Smith to disband the group, even though they thought they hadn’t fulfilled their goal. Because of this, some called Zion’s Camp a failure, but those who participated testified that their experiences prepared them for future service to the Lord.

During the long march, some of the camp members complained and spoke against the Prophet Joseph, but others were faithful to him and learned patience and obedience.

  • February 1834: Joseph Smith received a revelation to find at least 100 people to march to Missouri and help the Saints regain their land in Jackson County.

  • The 2 groups that took different routes met up in June.

  • About 205 men and 25 women and children participated.

  • They marched between 20–40 miles (32 to 64 km) a day.

  • Most traveled over 900 miles (1,450 km) through 4 states.

  • 13 Saints died from an outbreak of cholera in the camp.

  • 8 of the first 12 latter-day Apostles served in this camp.

  • All of the first latter-day Seventies were members of the camp.

  • June 1834: The Prophet Joseph received a revelation accepting the camp members’ offering, and they disbanded.


What do you think it means to redeem Zion? (see Doctrine and Covenants 103:15).
