The Stripling Warriors
August 2020

“The Stripling Warriors,” Liahona, August 2020

Scripture Stories

The Stripling Warriors

Read about this story in Alma 56–57.

mother and son

Illustrations by Apryl Stott

The Book of Mormon tells about some young men who had to go to battle to protect their people and their families. They are called the stripling warriors. The word “stripling” means “young.”

Captain Moroni

These young soldiers had never been in a battle before. But they had a good captain to lead them. And they remembered what their mothers had taught them.

mother praying with son

Their mothers had taught them to trust God. So the young men asked God to help them. They obeyed their captain. Then they fought bravely.

wounded warriors

They won the battle! Some of them were hurt. But all of them lived. It was a miracle!

children in church

I can listen to the good things my parents and leaders teach. God will help me stand up for what is right.
