“What do you say when your friends don’t believe that things like the First Vision could happen?” Liahona, April 2020
Questions & Answers
What do you say when your friends don’t believe that the First Vision could happen?
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Develop Faith
With spiritual questions, it’s not only logic that we need; we also need to have faith to know that the First Vision could actually happen. We can develop that faith by asking Heavenly Father and listening to the Spirit.
Julia B., age 17, California, USA
Study the Bible
Ask your friends to study the Bible. If they believe in it as the word of God, then they should believe that God does speak to us today by visions such as the First Vision because He did the same with Adam, Moses, Isaiah, and other prophets in many different ways.
Elder Muanda, age 22, Kenya Nairobi Mission
Ask of God
The fact that the apostasy lasted for hundreds of years does not mean that God ceased His visions. We need to have a humble heart and to ask God with real intent and sincerity of heart, as Joseph Smith did.
Jeremi E., age 19, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Believe in God
I would ask my friends, “Do you believe in God? Do you believe that He created all things? Do you believe that He appeared to prophets in times of old? And if you do, why don’t you believe that it’s possible now? It is possible.”
Sarah M., age 16, Utah, USA
Share Your Testimony
I share my testimony with my friends that our Heavenly Father reveals things to His children when they ask Him with a sincere heart to know the truth. Joseph Smith had the desire to know the truth, and he acted according to his faith. You can also enjoy a wonderful experience if you ask Heavenly Father in prayer with all your heart.
Mara C., age 20, Lima, Peru