“Our Page,” Liahona, October 2015, 69
Our Page
Sister missionaries, by Abril S., age 9, Mexico
Four boys from the same ward in Argentina were baptized on the same day. Their bishop (center) stands with them.
My brother and a family friend received their mission calls. We drove eight hours to the temple in Freiberg, Germany, so they could receive their temple endowments.
We stayed for five days so my family could do a lot of temple work. There is a hostel for families on the temple grounds. Some other children and I helped the gardener, and he gave us ice cream. We had a lot of fun.
I look forward to next year when I will be 12 and will be able to do baptisms in the temple.
Alicka S., age 11, Slovakia
I Thank Thee, God
I thank Thee, God, for the light,
For it shines through day and night.
I thank Thee, God, for the trees,
For they seem to ease that powerful breeze.
I thank Thee, God, for much more that I can’t define,
But I know deep to the core that You’ve created this life of mine.
While this life of mine may not be so fine,
As long as I’m alive, I am satisfied.
Nisha J., age 10, Republic of Palau