Family Home Evening Ideas
March 2013

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Liahona, March 2013, 3

Family Home Evening Ideas

This issue contains articles and activities that could be used for family home evening. The following are a few examples.

“The Power of the Word of God,” page 22: Consider reading with your family “The Sacredness of the Word,” a section in the article, and discuss how the scriptures can be our iron rod. Invite family members to share an experience when they felt the power of the scriptures. Or, for younger children, share an inspirational scripture story. Consider sharing Elder Teh’s challenge to study the scriptures daily.

“What Happens after We Die?” page 44: Consider discussing the questions listed in the article and the blessings that come from knowing that death is not the end of our existence. You may wish to ask how this knowledge makes each of our decisions important. Conclude by bearing your testimony of the plan of salvation.

“Megan’s Lambs,” page 62: Read the story of Megan and her lambs and discuss why Megan was so happy at the end. You may want to also read Mosiah 2:17–18 and talk about the blessings we receive from service. Consider discussing ways family members can serve each other and others. You could end by singing a song about service, such as “A Happy Helper” (Children’s Songbook, 197).

In Your Language

The Liahona and other Church materials are available in many languages at languages.lds.org.

Photo illustration by Cody Bell © IRI
