Sculpture: Second International Art Competition
November 1992

“Sculpture: Second International Art Competition,” Tambuli, Nov. 1992, 36


Second International Art Competition

Latter-day Saint artists from around the world used their understanding of the scriptures to create works of art for the Second International Art Competition sponsored by the Museum of Church History and Art. (See Tambuli, February 1992.)

The exhibit, titled “Themes from the Scriptures,” consisted of more than two hundred pieces of artwork—paintings, sculptures, quilts, and pottery—based on concepts or stories found in the scriptures. Here we focus on some of the ways artists expressed the scriptures through sculpture.

A Good Shepherd

A Good Shepherd. Painted carved wood sculpture by Sutadiyono, Bogor Branch, Djakarta Indonesia District. “The Savior said, ‘I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine’” (John 10:14).

Queen Esther

Queen Esther. Carved maplewood sculpture by Roger W. Otis, Fairport Ward, Rochester New York Palmyra Stake: “Esther reminds us of the important contributions of women.” (See Esth. 2–10.)

To Every Thing There Is a Season

“To Every Thing There Is a Season.” Carved basswood sculpture by John A. Taye, Boise Twenty-fifth Ward, Boise Idaho East Stake: “Each item is symbolic. The seeds represent potential for future growth; the fruit represents mature development; the skull represents mortality and death. The drapery helps unify these concepts into one design.” (See Eccl. 3:1–2.)

The Last Nephite Battle

The Last Nephite Battle. Carved wood sculpture by Victor De la Torre, Caracas, Venezuela: “This work is dedicated to the Nephite prophet Mormon and to his son Moroni. The side panel depicts the final struggle between the Lamanites and the Nephites near the Hill Cumorah.” (See Morm. 8:2–4.)

After This Manner Shall Ye Baptize

“After This Manner Shall Ye Baptize.” Cast stone sculpture by Wayne Taysom, Waldport Branch, Corvallis Oregon Stake: “I wanted to convey the feeling of motion as the young girl comes out of the waters of baptism. The arcs in the top segment of the sculpture represent the Holy Spirit surrounding them.” (See JST, Mark 1:6.)

The Lord’s Visit to His Other Sheep

The Lord’s Visit to His Other Sheep. Painted clay sculpture by Christa Christians de Satizabal, Norte Ward, Bogotá Colombia Stake: “I designed this to be a model for a monument in Bogotá to remind the Colombian people of their heritage as a remnant of the house of Israel.” (See 3 Ne. 17:10.)


David. Rattan sculpture by Midori Takeuchi, Matsuyama Ward, Takamatsu Japan Stake: “Saul said, ‘Provide me now a man that can play well, and bring him to me.’” (See 1 Sam. 16:17.)

The Last Supper

The Last Supper. Porcelain and earthenware sculpture by the “Pottery Group of Bremen,” six women of the Bremen First Ward, Hamburg Germany Stake: Gerlinde Gesell, Brigitte Hörstel, Sieglinde Nowak, Ingetraut Riemer, Ilse Selvarajah, and Rosemarie Troche: “As they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples.” (See Matt. 26:20, 26.)

Photography by Ronald W. Read
