I Can Follow Jesus Christ
Special Issue: Baptism and Confirmation

“I Can Follow Jesus Christ,” Friend, August 2023, 40–41.

I Can Follow Jesus Christ

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Jesus served others (see John 13:5, 13–17). I can see what people need and do my best to help.

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Jesus included others (see Mark 10:14). I can include others and be a friend to those who feel left out.

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Jesus prayed for others (see 3 Nephi 17:15–18). I can talk to Heavenly Father in prayer. I can ask Him to bless others too.

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Jesus forgave others (see John 8:11). I can forgive others too. And when I make a wrong choice, I can say, “I’m sorry.”

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Jesus taught the gospel (see Matthew 5:1–9). I can share the gospel with others. I can teach people about Jesus.

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Jesus was a perfect example (see John 13:15). I can do my best to follow Jesus. I can be an example for others too.

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Illustrations by Olga Lee