Comment les membres de ta famille peuvent-ils s’entraider?
Janvier 2023

Réponses d’un apôtre

Comment les membres de ta famille peuvent-ils s’entraider ?

Adapté de « Les conseils de famille », Le Liahona, mai 2016, p. 63-65.

Panel 1 of 4 spot illustrations of various families & kids. Each family should be a different ethnicity. 1. Parents and a child discussing at dinner table. 2. Family choosing new pet. 3. Older sibling helping a younger sibling. 4. Parent and child having a talk.

Priez ensemble, écoutez-vous les uns les autres, parlez et faites des plans ensemble.

Panel 2 of 4 spot illustrations of various families & kids. Each family should be a different ethnicity. 1. Parents and a child discussing at dinner table. 2. Family choosing new pet. 3. Older sibling helping a younger sibling. 4. Parent and child having a talk.

Prenez les décisions ensemble. Faites participer tout le monde.

Panel 3 of 4 spot illustrations of various families & kids. Each family should be a different ethnicity. 1. Parents and a child discussing at dinner table. 2. Family choosing new pet. 3. Older sibling helping a younger sibling. 4. Parent and child having a talk.

Les enfants plus âgés doivent aider les plus jeunes.

Panel 4 of 4 spot illustrations of various families & kids. Each family should be a different ethnicity. 1. Parents and a child discussing at dinner table. 2. Family choosing new pet. 3. Older sibling helping a younger sibling. 4. Parent and child having a talk.

Fais part de tes préoccupations, de tes inquiétudes, de tes espoirs et de tes rêves à ta famille.

Illustrations Gabriele Tafuni