I Can Give a Little Too
December 2020

“I Can Give a Little Too,” Friend, December 2020

I Can Give a Little Too

The author lives in Colorado, USA.

Friend Magazine, 2020/12 Dec

Illustrations by Mary Rojas

At church, Trent heard about some families that needed help for Christmas. They didn’t have money to buy presents. Trent wanted to help them have a happy Christmas! He wanted to help them, like Jesus would.

When they got home from church, Trent told Mom his idea. “I want to make a box. All of us can put a little money in it. Then we can give the money to people who need it.”

“I think that’s a great idea!” Mom said.

Trent wrapped an empty shoebox in bright paper. He cut a hole in the lid. Then he dropped in three coins. Plunk, plunk, plunk. It wasn’t very much, but it was all he had.

Then his brother and sister put in their coins too. Now they had more coins.

That night Trent prayed that Heavenly Father could help him buy presents for the other families. He wanted to help lots of people.

The next day, Trent’s aunt came to visit. He told her his plan. She wanted to help too! She dropped some coins in the Christmas box.

Soon friends and neighbors learned about Trent’s Christmas box. Each one said, “I can give a little too.” They handed Trent jars of coins they had saved up. Trent and his family were so happy. Trent loved adding the coins to the box.

Finally the box was full. It was heavy. Mom said there was enough money to help four families! Trent’s eyes got big. Heavenly Father had helped him. And now Trent could help lots of people. Together, everyone’s little coins made a big difference!