Reminding Mom
July 2002

“Reminding Mom,” Friend, July 2002, 17

Reminding Mom

Kaden was riding in the van with his mom. Mom had just bought some things at the department store. “I also got some bug tattoos,” she told him. She knew that he and his brothers liked to wear these stick-on tattoos.

“Why did you waste your money on them?” he asked.

“I didn’t,” she replied. “The store was giving them away free with anything that was bought.”

“But, Mom, the prophet said we are not supposed to have tattoos, so why would you take them?” He thought for a minute, then said, “May I use them as stickers on the front drawers of my dresser?”

And that is what he did with them. There was no question in his mind about tattoos of any kind! It was a good reminder for Mom.

Kaden Oviatt, age 5, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
