Early Saints
July 1983

“Early Saints,” Friend, July 1983, 23

Early Saints

See if you can match the names of these early Saints with the clues.

1. Orrin Porter Rockwell

a. Martyred at the same time as Joseph Smith

2. Oliver Cowdery

b. Architect of the Salt Lake Temple

3. Parley P. Pratt

c. Orator and Church historical writer

4. Hyrum Smith

d. Poet and writer

5. Truman O. Angell

e. Dedicated the land of Jerusalem for the return of the Jews

6. William Clayton

f. Early U.S. senator from Utah

7. Mary Fielding Smith

g. Friend to the Indians

8. Jacob Hamblin

h. Wrote the words for “Come, Come, Ye Saints”

9. Eliza R. Snow

i. Physician and counselor to Brigham Young

10. B. H. Roberts

j. Mother of the prophet Joseph F. Smith

11. Reed Smoot

k. Published the Book of Mormon

12. Willard Richards

l. Great missionary and first editor of the Millennial Star

13. W. W. Phelps

m. Grandfather to President Spencer W. Kimball

14. Orson Hyde

n. Scribe for Joseph Smith when he translated the sacred plates

15. Heber C. Kimball

o. The Prophet Joseph’s friend and bodyguard


  • (1) o, (2) n, (3) l, (4) a, (5) b, (6) h, (7) j, (8) g, (9) d, (10) c, (11) f, (12) i, (13) k, (14) e, (15) m.
