Alma 53–63
August 2020

Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon—Support Articles and Activities

August 10–16

Alma 53–63

“Preserved by His Marvelous Power”

Pahoran’s people gathering

Illustration by Jerry Thompson

After you’ve studied the scripture passages for this week and reviewed the questions and activities in the manual, consider sharing any of the following articles and activities with your family. These additional resources can assist you as you strive to teach the gospel in your home.

Alma 57–58

The Army of Helaman

The 2,000 stripling warriors were a small force, but they were undaunted because they put their trust in God. What can we learn from their example of faith and determination?


  • How Can Youth Build Up the Kingdom of God?” This Ensign article teaches how the stripling warriors stayed faithful and how today’s youth can do the same.

  • A Remarkable Future Is Before You!” In this New Era article, President M. Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, shares the story of the stripling warriors to teach us how to stand up for truth.

  • Scripture Stories: The Stripling Warriors.” Read this illustrated scripture story from the Friend to your children.

  • A Stripling-Warrior Family.” In this Friend article, Sister Michelle Craig, First Counselor in the Young Women General Presidency, shares how Benjamin’s family learned to be strong during a difficult time.


Alma 61

“I Am Not Angry”

Pahoran responded with patience and understanding to the strongly worded epistle he received from Moroni, who was not fully aware of Pahoran’s circumstances. How can we respond similarly to situations that might make us angry or resentful?


  • Slow to Anger.” Read this Ensign article to learn five ways to control your anger.

  • 8 Ways Meekness Is Not Weakness.” In this New Era article, we learn the importance of being meek instead of giving into our anger and that being meek doesn’t mean that we are weak. For further study, see Elder David A. Bednar’s April 2018 general conference address, “Meek and Lowly of Heart.”

  • Bugs and Brothers.” In this Friend story, Lacey learns that she doesn’t have to be angry at her brother Zach.

  • The Right Reply.” Emily wants to write a mean reply when her friend sends her a mean email, but then she thinks of what Jesus would do and responds kindly. (From the Friend.)


  • Refrain from Anger.” Watch this video to hear about the dangers of holding on to anger through a story told by President Thomas S. Monson (1927–2018).

  • Stopping Anger in Its Tracks.” This object lesson from the New Era helps us learn about anger and how we can control our tempers.

  • Coloring Page: I Can Be Kind.” Print this page from the Friend for your children to color.