Safe in a Stable
December 2015

“Safe in a Stable,” Ensign, December 2015, 36–37

Safe in a Stable



1. Safe in a stable, a donkey awakes,

Stirred by commotion and light.

The goat lifts her head at a baby’s first cry

As Jesus is born on this night.

2. Safe in a stable, a little red cow

Tells her concerns in soft lows.

Her manger receives on its sweet, fragrant hay

The Savior, whom heaven bestows.

3. Safe in a stable, alarmed mother hens

Gather their young ’neath their wing,

As angel-sent shepherds kneel down in the straw

To worship the child as their King!

Now safely enfolded, Christ’s sheep sweetly rest,

Beckoned by His holy call.

A stable once sheltered the dear Lamb of God,

Who is now the Good Shepherd of all.

© 2008 by Penelope Moody Allen and Michael F. Moody. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. This notice must be included on each copy made.
