In Other Church Magazines
June 2013

“In Other Church Magazines,” Ensign, June 2013, 79

In Other Church Magazines

The New Era

Following Priesthood Counsel

This month’s Come, Follow Me lessons for youth focus on the priesthood. One of the lesson outlines for Sunday School is about following counsel from priesthood leaders. You’ll find ideas related to this topic in “Five Ways to Follow the Counsel of Priesthood Leaders” on page 38.

Studying the Conference Issue

Last month, Church members looked forward to receiving the conference issue of the Ensign in the mail. But have your youth done much with it since it arrived? Find ideas to help them learn from the conference issue in “Studying General Conference” on page 40.

True Identity

Youth often spend their teenage years trying to discover and define who they are. Elder Dallin H. Oaks provides advice for them in “How to Define Yourself” on page 48, where he reminds us that the only characteristic we need to define ourselves by is the fact that we are sons and daughters of God.

The Friend

Preparation for Baptism

Do you know a child who is preparing for baptism? Read “Understanding Baptism” on page 24 of the June Friend for ideas on how to explain the different elements of baptism, the preparation that is needed, and the covenants that are made in this special ordinance. Look elsewhere in the magazine for stories of how other children prepared for and looked forward to baptism.

Mary Elizabeth Rollins

The June Friend will feature part 1 of a three-part story about the life of Mary Elizabeth Rollins, a special young girl from Church history (see page 8). Children can learn about her in the “A Girl of Great Faith” series.
