“Daughters in My Kingdom: Making a Difference,” Ensign, Mar. 2012, 33
Daughters in My Kingdom
Making a Difference
In the foreword of Daughters in My Kingdom: The History and Work of Relief Society, the First Presidency encourages readers “to study this book and allow its timeless truths and inspiring examples to influence your lives.”1 Following are testimonies from some men and women for whom this inspired book has made a difference:
“There is a spirit in this book that is tangible. I could actually feel it changing my heart.”—Shelley Bertagnolli
“Reading Daughters in My Kingdom has inspired me to be a more devoted husband and father and to keep my covenants with greater dedication.”—Aaron West
“As I read about the Relief Society sisters in Daughters in My Kingdom, they became real to me and I felt their faith. They knew that as we serve others with the pure love of Christ, we become what the Lord wants us to be. That is the purpose of Relief Society, and it applies to everyone—single or married, young or old. It applies to me.”—Katrina Cannon
“I have lived in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, and the United States, but wherever I go, I know I am part of a wonderful circle of sisters—a heritage of strong, faithful women.”—Marta Bravo
“Working on Daughters in My Kingdom as a graphic designer was a rare and extraordinary experience. In our first meeting, Sister Julie B. Beck, Relief Society general president, bore her testimony to us that the book was coming forth under revelation and the instruction of living prophets. From that first day, revelation guided everything. Every time any one of us read from the book’s pages, we were touched by the Spirit and changed for the better. It happened to me, and I watched it happen to editors, designers, illustrators, production artists, and press employees.”—Tadd Peterson
“I realized that I am a part of something better. As I draw strength from Relief Society, I can become something better also.”—Jeanette Andrews
“This history is a powerful resource that can help men and women around the world to recognize the value of women as daughters of God and their significant role in His kingdom.”—Susan Lofgren
“I once thought that I had to be like everyone else. Now I realize that each sister has different circumstances, strengths, and weaknesses, but each sister is important.”—Nicole Erickson
“Daughters in My Kingdom has had a profound impact on me as a bishop. I bear testimony of the great power that comes when the Relief Society and the priesthood are inseparably yoked together.”—Mark Staples
Photograph of flower by John Luke; photo illustration by Tom Garner