“Contents,” Ensign, Aug. 2011, 1–3 Contents August 2011 Volume 41 • Number 8 Messages First Presidency Message 4 Love at Home—Counsel from Our Prophet President Thomas S. Monson Visiting Teaching Message 7 A Society of Holy Women Features 12 One Stalwart Pioneer, Many Generations Blessed Generations were blessed by the courage of this young woman. 17 No Better Time to Serve Allie Schulte A variety of opportunities await you on a Welfare Services mission. 22 Two Pioneers across Two Centuries Allison Ji-Jen Merrill A century and a half apart but connected by faith. 32 Islands of Fire and Faith: The Galápagos How the Church is flourishing in these extraordinary islands. 40 400 Years of the King James Bible This year marks the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James version of the Bible. 46 The Tradition of a Balanced, Righteous Life Elder L. Tom Perry Four keys to achieving balance. Our Homes, Our Families 14 Dear Mom and Dad Letters from young adults to their parents. Living as Latter-day Saints 24 Did He Really Ask Me That? Joelyn Hansen Could someone as young as me fulfill this calling? 56 “Though Hard to You …” Holly Scott Gamangasso When the doctor said the words “Down syndrome,” my world came to a crashing halt. 62 The Lord Will Always Be There John L. Flade What wartime taught me about the power of hope. Teaching, Learning, Serving 28 Solidly Anchored in Our Testimonies Elder Allan F. Packer Warnings, worldly wisdom, and the Word. By Study and By Faith 54 Gospel Classic: Reach with a Rescuing Hand President Gordon B. Hinckley The pioneers went back to rescue those who were lost; it is our duty to do the same. Gospel Solutions 58 Garrett Was God’s Child First April T. Giauque What our family has learned about autism, faith, and the love of Heavenly Father. Departments We Talk of Christ 8 Taking His Name upon Me Jacob F. Frandsen What does it mean to take Christ’s name upon us? What We Believe 10 God Sent Us to Earth as a Member of a Family Families are part of Heavenly Father’s plan for us on earth. Serving in the Church 31 Can You Give Me a Blessing? Jennifer Rose Maddy Be worthy and willing to administer a priesthood blessing when someone in need requests one. 66 Latter-day Saint Voices Prayers, promptings, and protection. 70 Small and Simple Things 73 Family Home Evening Ideas 74 News of the Church 79 In Other Church Magazines Until We Meet Again 80 The Parable of the Banana Tree Anton Kumarasamy as told to Linda J. Later The Book of Mormon tells of a fruit that is “desirable above all other fruit” (see 1 Nephi 8:11–12). On the Cover Front: photo illustration by Jerry Garns. Back: photograph © iStockphoto.