Family Home Evening Helps: Planning Your Family Home Evening
July 2008

“Family Home Evening Helps: Planning Your Family Home Evening,” Ensign, July 2008, 75

Family Home Evening Helps

Planning Your Family Home Evening

Melinda Hunter, Utah

To have purposeful family home evenings, we have learned to focus on what is important to all of our family members. But how do we know what each member in our large family needs? We hold a family council at the dining room table to brainstorm ideas. After beginning with prayer, we each write down a list of things we think our family could improve upon. After considering everyone’s ideas, we schedule topics for each Monday night for several months. Writing them on a calendar is an easy way to organize and remind family members of what we’ll be discussing and when. When that schedule is finished, we simply gather for another family council. This way we all help to plan family home evening.
