“Elder Won Yong Ko Of the Seventy,” Ensign, May 2005, 125
Elder Won Yong Ko
Of the Seventy

Almost since he joined the Church in 1962, Elder Won Yong Ko of the Second Quorum of the Seventy says he has struggled to fill his suits. But his challenges have not come from a telestial tailor.
“My callings have always been bigger than my capacity,” he says. “Each calling seems to be a bigger suit than I can fit in. But I have always tried.”
Elder Ko was born on October 15, 1945, to Chang Soo Ko and Sang Soon Lee in Busan, Korea. Belonging to the Church in Korea in the 1960s was not easy. There were many misconceptions, often perpetuated by the media. But Elder Ko learned that the Lord honors those who honor Him. Being a member of the Church helped him through a three-year military assignment and later as he advanced from systems engineer to president and CEO.
Elder Ko has served as a stake president, a regional representative, and most recently as an Area Seventy, where he has been assigned as Second Counselor in the Asia North Area Presidency since 2003.
Elder Ko and his wife, Eun Hee Kim Ko, were married on April 1, 1978, and sealed in the Seoul Korea Temple. He says his wife and two children have been an important support. He also credits the Savior for sustaining him through callings and challenges.
“He didn’t have to, but Jesus Christ lowered Himself to a level that no one else has experienced so He can understand our suffering, challenges, and difficulties,” says Elder Ko. “He is truly our Savior and Redeemer.”
Elder Ko says he must rely on the Savior as he steps into this new role and tries to fit into another suit that seems to be too big.
“I have not sought this call,” Elder Ko says. “It comes from the Lord, so He will help me if I will serve ‘with an eye single to the glory of God’ (D&C 4:5). I love that phrase. That is my commitment. That is my testimony of the last 40-some years.”