“Contents,” Ensign, May 2002, 1
May 2002
Volume 32 Number 5
Conference Cassettes, CDs, DVDs Available
Recordings of conference sessions are available at distribution centers, generally within two months following conference. Available formats include audio and video cassette, compact disc, and digital video disc. Recordings for individuals who are deaf (videocassettes with a signing inset) and for those with visual impairment (slow-speed audiocassette tapes) are available from Special Curriculum, 50 East North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3200.
Conference Talks on Internet
To access general conference talks on the Internet, visit www.lds.org.
Home and Visiting Teaching Messages
For home and visiting teaching messages, please select an address that best meets the needs of those you visit.
General Young Women Meeting Music
Saturday Evening, 30 March 2002
Music by a young women’s choir from stakes in Huntsville, Morgan, Ogden, and Riverdale, Utah, directed by Deborah Mason, with organist Bonnie Goodliffe: “I Am a Child of God” (Hymns, no. 301); “In That Holy Place” (DeFord); “Choose the Right” (Hymns, no. 239); “More Holiness Give Me” (Hymns, no. 131); “As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days” (arranged by Kasen, published by Jackman; Hymns, no. 256).
General Conference Music
Saturday Morning, 6 April 2002, General Session
Music by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, directed by Craig Jessop and Barlow Bradford, with organist Richard Elliott: “The Spirit of God” (Hymns, no. 2); “God Is Love” (Hymns, no. 87); “Jesus, Once of Humble Birth” (arranged by Cundick, published by Sonos; Hymns, no. 196); “We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet” (Hymns, no. 19); “I Am a Child of God” (arranged by Bradford, published by Deseret Book; Hymns, no. 301); “Love One Another”(arranged by Bradford, published by Deseret Book; Hymns, no. 308).
Saturday Afternoon, 6 April 2002, General Session
Music by a combined choir from the Logan and Ogden, Utah, institutes, directed by Duane J. Huff, Stephen Schank, Jerald F. Simon, with organist Bonnie Goodliffe: “Press Forward, Saints” (arranged by Bradford, published by Deseret Book; Hymns, no. 81); “Lord, I Would Follow Thee” (Hymns, no. 220); “Come, O Thou King of Kings” (Hymns, no. 59); “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go” (arranged by Schank, unpublished; Hymns, no. 270).
Saturday Evening, 6 April 2002, Priesthood Session
Music by a men’s choir from BYU–Idaho, directed by Kevin Brower and Randall Kempton, with organist Clay Christiansen: “Sing Praise to Him” (arranged by Kempton, unpublished; Hymns, no. 70); “Oh, May My Soul Commune with Thee” (arranged by Dayley, published by Jackman; Hymns, no. 123); “Rejoice, the Lord Is King!” (Hymns, no. 66); “Hope of Israel” (arranged by Kasen, published by Jackman; Hymns, no. 259).
Sunday Morning, 7 April 2002, General Session
Music by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, directed by Craig Jessop, with organists John Longhurst and Clay Christiansen: “Come, Thou Glorious Day of Promise” (Hymns, no. 50); “O Thou Kind and Gracious Father” (Hymns, no. 150); “Adam-ondi-Ahman” (Hymns, no. 49); “Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah” (Hymns, no. 83); “Where Can I Turn for Peace?” (arranged by Wilberg, published by Deseret Book; Hymns, no. 129); “Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise” (arranged by Wilberg, unpublished; Hymns, no. 41).
Sunday Afternoon, 7 April 2002, General Session
Music by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, directed by Craig Jessop and Mack Wilberg, with organists Linda Margetts and Bonnie Goodliffe: “Redeemer of Israel” (arranged by Wilberg; Hymns, no. 6); “Joseph Smith’s First Prayer” (arranged by Wilberg, unpublished; Hymns, no. 26); “How Firm a Foundation” (Hymns, no. 85); “Come, Follow Me” (Hymns, no. 116); “Abide with Me; ’Tis Eventide” (arranged by Gates, published by Jackman; Hymns, no. 165).
The Millennial Lion House, by Grant Romney Clawson. A woman with an umbrella walks leisurely through the gardens of the Lion House, seemingly unaware of the statue of a crouching lion high atop the entryway. Built in 1856, the Lion House is named for President Brigham Young—known fondly as the Lion of the Lord. He earned the title after delivering a particularly powerful sermon in Nauvoo; Elder Wilford Woodruff noted in his diary, “The lion roared again tonight.”
Remembrance Day, September 14, 2001, by Anne Marie Oborn. After the terrorist attacks on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, United States President George W. Bush declared Friday, September 14, a day of remembrance. All were encouraged to light a candle in memory of the victims of the attacks. This painting shows the artist and her daughter observing this day of remembrance.