Making the Most of This Issue
April 2002

“Making the Most of This Issue,” Ensign, Apr. 2002, 80

Making the Most of This Issue

April 2002

Strengthening Your Family

  • Teach children how prayer can protect them by reading “A Prayer in the Storm,” p. 54.

  • Get your loved ones excited about family history and temple work by sharing the story “In My Grandmother’s Name,” p. 55.

  • How can you read scriptures and pray daily with your family when you travel extensively for business? One solution and some other helpful tips for maintaining gospel standards during your travels are found on p. 64.

  • Feel the spirit of general conference in your home year-round. See the idea on p. 65 for using the conference messages in your family home evening lessons.

  • You never expected to be a noncustodial parent. What can you do to influence your children for good now that you no longer live with them in a traditional family setting? See p. 58 for ideas.

Remembering the Savior

  • A living prophet offers inspirational thoughts, about the Savior, p. 2.

  • A profound experience helps a bishop gain insight into the Atonement. See p. 19.

  • Throughout the scriptures, the Lord asks probing questions of His disciples—and of us. See p. 26.

  • Find Him in a hymn. Try playing the music or reading the words of this new Easter hymn, p. 7.

The Father and the Son

Ever been confused when reading the scriptures whether the person speaking is Heavenly Father or Jesus Christ? Their relationship is clarified in a classic statement by the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, p. 12.

Reaching Primary Children

How can you resolve discipline problems in your Primary class? Show your students that your love goes beyond the classroom. See p. 65.

A Branch in the Forest

Read about the faith of a group of early Swedish Latter-day Saints who put down roots in the forests of upper Washington state, p. 38.

The Power of Scripture Stories

Old Testament stories can teach powerful principles for today’s living. From the story of Achan, learn how your personal sins can affect others, or gain inspiration to face your challenges from the story of Gideon, pp. 43–49.

Have You Checked Out www.mormon.org?

Sharing the gospel just got easier with this exciting new Church Web site. Learn more about it on p. 50.

Reverence in Stained Glass

See some of the stained glass art created by artist Tom Holdman for the Palmyra New York Temple, p. 8.

Did You Know?

Each April issue of the Ensign has additional articles focused on our Savior Jesus Christ and how His life affects us. In this issue, for example, see the article by Elder J. Devn Cornish, an Area Authority Seventy, clarifying three common misunderstandings about the Atonement and telling how a member discovered its power to change and heal, p. 20.

Home Teachers and Visiting Teachers

Find the monthly messages on p. 2 and p. 74.
