Home, Family, and Personal Enrichment Meetings
November 2000

“Home, Family, and Personal Enrichment Meetings,” Ensign, Nov. 2000, 104

Home, Family, and Personal Enrichment Meetings*


Ideas for Miniclass Subjects**

Spiritual Development

(D&C 88:63)

• Temple worship

• Personal prayer and scripture study

• Sabbath-day observance (D&C 59)

Homemaking Skills

(Prov. 31:27)

• Growing, cooking, and preserving food

• Home organization and cleaning

• The value of work

Marriage and Family Relations

(Mosiah 4:15; Mal. 4:6)

“The Family: A Proclamation to the World” (Ensign, Nov. 1995, 102)

• Family home evening, family prayer, and scripture study

• Parenting skills

Strengthening Relationships

(Matt. 5:38–44; Matt. 25:40)

• Communication and resolving conflicts

• Repentance and forgiveness

• Effective leadership


(D&C 88:119)

• Home storage and emergency preparedness

• Education and resource management

• Health and hygiene


(Prov. 31:20; Mosiah 4:26)

• Service to family and neighbors

• Serving in the Church

• Community service project

Physical and Emotional Health

(D&C 10:4; Mosiah 4:27)

• Exercise and nutrition

• Stress management and recreation

• Feeling gratitude and recognizing the Lord’s blessings

Personal Development and Education

(D&C 88:118; D&C 130:18–19)

• Patriarchal blessings

• Developing talents and creativity

• Lifelong learning


(Dan. 1:17; Moses 6:5–6)

• Gospel literacy

• Written histories and testimonies

• Early childhood education and children’s literature

Cultural Arts

(D&C 25:12)

• Importance of music in the home

• Literature and fine arts

• Understanding other cultures

  • Guidelines for home, family, and personal enrichment meetings were distributed with a letter from the First Presidency dated 20 September 1999.

  • Resource materials for miniclass subjects include Part A and Part B of The Latter-day Saint Woman and the Gospel Principles manual.
