Remodeling Completed in Temple Square Visitors’ Center
October 1989

“Remodeling Completed in Temple Square Visitors’ Center,” Ensign, Oct. 1989, 79–80

Remodeling Completed in Temple Square Visitors’ Center

The North Visitors’ Center on Temple Square now has four new theaters and a spacious new resource center. These new features take the place of several older dioramas and exhibits.

  • A new 144-seat theater on the upper level offers continuous presentations of Together Forever. Tour groups see this film immediately following the presentation in front of The Christus, the white marble statue of the Savior.

  • Three new 100-seat theaters on the lower level offer continuous showings of The Purpose of Life, Strengthen Your Family, and Jesus Christ, Our Redeemer and Savior.

  • Outside the three smaller theaters is a spacious new lobby, or resource room, furnished with sofas, chairs, and desks. It is “a comfortable place where visitors can relax, meditate, and enjoy the serenity of Temple Square,” says Ralph O. Bradley, Temple Square director. Here, visitors may request copies of the Book of Mormon and other information about the Church. Five new paintings by Salt Lake City artist James Porter decorate the walls of this room. Also included are teaching rooms where people may receive missionary discussions from Temple Square hosts and hostesses.

Two previously existing theaters and three thirty-seat “international” theaters (for languages other than English) continue to show other Church-produced films. The murals depicting the life of Christ and other biblical scenes also continue to attract the attention of Temple Square visitors.

Even with the three-and-a-half-month remodeling project going on, the number of bus tour groups visiting Temple Square continued to climb. At the end of June, the number of scheduled bus tours had already exceeded the total for all of 1988.

Nearly six hundred thousand people visited Temple Square in June, and the total visitors for the first six months of the year surpassed 1.5 million. In 1988, some 4,162,440 people visited Temple Square—exceeding the number of annual visitors to either the Statue of Liberty or the Washington Monument.
