Bishop’s Chow
August 1984

“Bishop’s Chow,” Ensign, Aug. 1984, 68

Bishop’s Chow

As my newly called bishop husband left the house early one Sunday morning with only a cup of granola under his belt, I decided to take him a snack when the family went to our meetings later in the day. I tried to think of something munchy, neat, and nutritious. Remembering his years as Scoutmaster, I filled a half-gallon jar with a “trail mix” made of dried fruits, nuts, seeds, and even a few peanut butter chips. I labeled the jar “Bishop’s Chow” and gave it to him to keep in his desk drawer. It has been so successful in assuaging hunger pains that even our stake president now has his own jar of “Stake President’s Chow.” A similar treat could be made for a busy spouse, child, or friend. Maria Jones, Deming, Washington