“Letters Keep Us Close,” Ensign, July 1984, 68
Letters Keep Us Close
As family members marry or move away, establishing their own family patterns, original family ties sometimes become weak. Yet, as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we desire to keep close in life and enter the celestial kingdom with our families. How strong are the ties in your family? What can you do to strengthen them? A family traveling letter could be an answer.
A traveling letter is a packet of letters from each member of the family. It begins with the oldest member, who writes a letter and sends it to a younger brother or sister. This next family member then adds a letter and sends it on to the next person. This continues until the letter returns to the oldest, who removes his original letter and inserts a new one.
These letters can serve many purposes. Members of your family may want to express love and appreciation for other members of the family, or they might relate incidents that helped them grow closer to the family. Current church positions, job changes, awards, or faith-promoting experiences could also be included.
One month you might send a group sheet of your immediate family, updating information for other family members. Or you might include an outstanding poem or story you want to share.
Each family, knowing what is important to them, can establish its own guidelines. In using these letters you are not merely keeping up on news—you are creating a strong bond of love which will tie your family together as you meet the challenges of earth life. Gaylin Rollins, Roy, Utah
Illustrated by Phyllis Luch