“Contents,” Ensign, May 1977, 3
May 1977
Volume 7 Number 5
Back cover, right: Nine men found seats for the capstone ceremony of the Salt Lake Temple in 1892 on the roof of the tithing office. The capstone is the round ball on the middle tower, east end, on which the Angel Moroni stands. (Church Archives.) Left: The American flag, partially drawn aside at the unveiling ceremony 1 October 1913, reveals Mahonri M. Young’s Seagull Monument, one of Temple Square’s most distinctive landmarks. (Utah Historical Society.)
Inside front cover: Crowds throng Temple Square and the intersection of South Temple and Main Street for the laying of the capstone in 1892. The Elias Morris tombstone factory is in the left foreground. The small building with a ladder on the roof inside Temple Square wall is Elder Orson Pratt’s observatory. Smoke rises from the chimney of the architect’s office, nestled at the base of the towering temple. American flags add a festive touch. (Photography by C. R. Savage, Utah Historical Society.)
Inside back cover: Los Angeles Temple. Photography by Longin Lonczyna, Jr.
Photography in this issue: Featured in this issue are (1) photographs taken at the sessions of this general conference, with the scenes, settings, and faces of April 1977; (2) photographs of Temple Square over the years; and (3) some of the men of the First Presidency, Quorum of the Twelve, and First Council of the Seventy who have presided as the Saints have gathered for general conferences during the past century.
Current photography is by Public Communications Photo Services: Eldon K. Linschoten, chief photographer, Lonnie Lonczyna, Jr., Jed A. Clark, Marilyn Erd, Craig J. Law. Photography of the past is courtesy of the Church Historical Department and the Utah State Historical Society.