October 1976

“Mirthright,” Ensign, Oct. 1976, 82


One day I was teaching finger plays to the children in Junior Sunday School. We were doing “Here is the church, here is the steeple.” I asked them if all their people got out. One little boy said, “No, my Mom’s still in there talking.”

Gloria Allen
Sandy, Utah

The Sunday School teacher was telling the story about Lot’s wife being turned into a pillar of salt, and my granddaughter interrupted the teacher with “My mother looked back once while she was driving, and she turned into a telephone pole!”

Ethel M. Taylor
Orem, Utah

In a ward newspaper:

“Our Ward chorus sang last Sunday in a television broadcast. It was nice to hear them and realize they were nearly 300 miles off.”

Ethel M. Taylor
Orem, Utah

My daughter-in-law passed a friend on the highway and remarked to her four-year-old son that Brother Thompson was probably on his way to a board meeting. After a short thoughtful pause, Kevin answered, “I guess so. I saw the boards in the back of his truck.”

Verda F. Welch
Corrine, Utah

Boy looking at X-ray with doctor: “Now show me my SPIRIT!”

Boyd M. Jolley
Sandy, Utah

Almost every day my three-year-old asks if this is the day for Primary. When I explain that it isn’t Tuesday, he doesn’t readily accept it.

The other day after one of our discussions, it was announced on a television newscast that several men had entered the Massachusetts primary (elections). Paul came running into the kitchen scolding, “See, I told you! Those men are going to Primary!”

Marilyn A. Edmisten
Richfield, Utah

As my daughter was preparing to go to APYW, my eight-year-old son asked, “What does APYW stand for, anyway?”

I asked, “What do you think?”

It took him only a moment to figure it out: “A Pretty Young Woman?”

Eva-Maria Bates
Salt Lake City, Utah

“These teenagers take the admonition to make a joyful noise quite literally.” (Illustration by Dale Kilbourn.)
