Seeing is Sampling
March 1971

“Seeing is Sampling,” Ensign, Mar. 1971, 78

Seeing is Sampling

Part of the tantalizing invitation of foods is the tempting look. Before foods taste good they must look good. To see is to want to sample. Arrangements on a platter or in a dish with a flair for color combinations and pattern contrast will add to the pleasure of eating, such as:

1. Crisp green celery sticks filled with pimiento cheese or pineapple flavored cream cheese, arranged around a few green leaves from a holly bush or a philodendron plant.

2. Sprigs of mint, thin orange slices, or maraschino cherries in or on the edge of a glass of sparkling fruit drink.

3. Lacy paper doilies edging a large platter on which are arranged cookies in star, triangle, round, or oblong shapes, or small squares of cake.

Make your foods look attractive and appetizing, and see how good the sampling is.
