What you’re worth and how to know it


“Fill your heart with love for others. This is the second great commandment. Try to truly see everyone around you as a child of God. Minister to them—regardless of whether their names appear on your ministering sister or brother list. Laugh with them. Rejoice with them. Weep with them. Respect them. Heal, lift, and strengthen them.” — Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Missionary Work: Sharing What Is in Your Heart,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2019, 16

Focus on Uplifting Others

Many social media posts are focused on making your own life look desirable or glamorous. Often these images are distortions of reality that can cause jealousy or insecurity. Instead of comparing yourself to others or judging them, look for ways to celebrate their joys and accomplishments.

Christ is the ultimate example of charity and service. Follow His example by focusing on positive things and finding ways to use social media to bless others.

Young Man Listening to Music
Turn Outward

Research shows that posting negative content can dramatically increase anxiety and depression.

However, posting positive content and providing others with social support and connectedness can decrease anxiety and depression and improve overall personal well-being.

Turn Outward
Pray for Help

If you are overwhelmed by sharing the gospel online, remember that the Savior testified, “I am the light which ye shall hold up” (3 Nephi 18:24). “He reminds us that He will bring the light if we will just point others to Him” (Bonnie H. Cordon, “That They May See,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, 80).

Pray for help to know and to be able to do His will using technology. He will guide you in your efforts. Ask for the gift of charity so that you can see God’s children as He sees them.

Who You Can Connect with Online

You may be surprised to realize the number of people you know. Use technology to stay in touch with people from various areas of your life.

  • Family Members—Stay in touch with those you love most.
  • Friends—Reach out to friends you have lost touch with.
  • Acquaintances—Get to know your coworkers, classmates, neighbors, and everyday associates.
  • Online Groups—Join a group or follow a page where people with common interests share their passions, and don’t be afraid to make friends there.
  • People from Your Mission—You have a special connection to those you taught and served. Continue it online.
Instagram Stories - Vikram Rami

“I can still remember, as if it were today, friends who touched my life for good long ago. They are gone, but the memory of their love, example, faith, and testimony still lifts me. And your friendship to even one ... may, in this life and in the next, cause hundreds or even thousands of their ancestors and their descendants to call you blessed.”

Henry B. Eyring, “True Friends,” Ensign, May 2002, 29


“There’s a girl I know from high school that I haven’t seen or talked to in years, but we are friends on Facebook. I kept thinking about her after seeing one of her posts, so I decided to reach out. I sent her a message and asked how she was doing. She was so happy that I thought of her. I know it was just something small, but I think things like that can make a big difference. It’s nice to know that people care about you.”

—Megan, California

“Back home in Venezuela, I had this great friend I would hang out with almost every day. After we started high school, we grew apart. Then, after I moved to the United States, we lost contact completely.

“I remember one day after saying my prayer in the morning, that same friend came to my mind, after three years of not even thinking about her. I felt that I should look for a way to contact her, so I looked through all my social media accounts until I found her.

“I reached out to her, and it felt good to talk to her again. It was hard the first couple of months, since she was not very interested in talking to me. However, I wanted to keep in contact and try to build a better relationship with her, like the one we had before. I cared about her, so I kept communicating with her.

“One time we had a great conversation in which she finally opened up to me. Turns out she had been going through a hard time. She told me she had just left our home country, like I did. She feared leaving everything she knew behind, especially her friends and family. She was still trying to adapt to the new culture, language, and lifestyle of the country she moved to.

“Since I already went through something very similar, I was able to talk to her and help her out. We bonded together again. She told me how grateful she was that I kept contacting her. I remember her sharing with me how happy she would feel whenever I texted her. She was happy to know there was someone who cared about her.

“Now we even FaceTime every week and text almost every day, and we do not miss anything of what’s going on in our lives. We help and support each other, which made this a great experience. So I am very grateful sharing God’s love helped me reconnect with an old friend. ”

—Cindy, Venezuela