Happy Young Adults


What kinds of activities do you participate in that your friends would also enjoy and benefit from?

Ideas for Inviting


You may already give service regularly. Invite one of your friends to enjoy the blessings with you!

Group Activities

Consider who you know who might enjoy an upcoming Church activity. Invite them to come.


Are you in a self-reliance or family history class? Maybe someone in your ward is teaching how to make tamales. Invite someone to learn with you.


Friends are always welcome at church. Consider who you know who might also enjoy worshipping the Savior with you.

Stay Connected

“The Lord is pleased with every effort we make, no matter the outcome; a declined invitation is no reason for our association to end; and a lack of interest today may well turn to interest tomorrow. Regardless, our love remains constant.”

D. Todd Christofferson, “Sharing the Message of the Restoration and the Resurrection,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, 112

Listen and Respond

“The future growth of the Church ... will happen when the members, along with our missionaries, filled with the love of God and Christ discern needs and respond to those needs in the spirit of charitable service.”

M. Russell Ballard, “Finding Joy through Loving Service,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2011, 46

Be a Good Friend

“I hope no person we approach with an invitation to hear the message of the restored gospel feels that we are acting out of any reason other than a genuine love for them and an unselfish desire to share something we know to be precious.”

Dallin H. Oaks, “Sharing the Gospel,” Ensign, Nov. 2001, 8


“Remember, [each person] is also a child of God, that very God who dearly wants that person to qualify for eternal life and return to Him one day. You may be the very one to open the door to his or her salvation and understanding of the doctrine of Christ.”

Russell M. Nelson, “Be Thou an Example of the Believers,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 48

Pacific, Tonga, Stock Photos

“One day I noticed a girl who used to be on my soccer team started tweeting things about being depressed and not feeling like herself anymore. I’m usually not the one to message people directly, but I felt the need to say something. I messaged her and reminded her of how many people love her. I don’t think she ever knew that she helped me so much when I was having a hard time years before, so I told her about that. I let her know I was there to support her. Her response was short, but she said thank you and continues to interact with my posts! I now frequently check her page to see if she’s all right and she hasn’t posted anything like those sad tweets since. Even though I didn’t get an elaborate, heartfelt response, I am content knowing I could have helped keep one of God’s children on this earth a little longer.”

—Makayla, Utah

“I was video chatting with one of my friends after her boyfriend broke up with her. She was having a really hard time. She said that she just wanted to feel peace and not be so upset. Later that day the missionaries were going to share an uplifting message with me over Zoom. I asked if she wanted to join the meeting. She said yes. The message was about hope, and my friend said it really resonated with her and she appreciated me inviting her. Nothing else happened with the missionaries, but she had a great experience, and she knows how much I care about her and want to help.”

—Alana, California