
[MUSIC PLAYING] A temple is composed of many building blocks fitted together according to predesigned patterns. When the Lord commanded the early Saints in this dispensation to construct a temple, He declared, "But let a house be built unto my name according to the pattern which I will show unto them." The Lord has revealed and continues to reveal to the President of the Church the patterns by which the kingdom of God is to be directed in our day. If our lives are to become the temples each of us is striving to construct, as taught by the Lord, we could reasonably ask ourselves, "What building blocks should we put in place in order to make our lives beautiful, majestic, and resistant to the storms of the world?" With the world around us being such a crazy place, Heavenly Father sent us a prophet called of God to guide us and direct us through this crazy world. To be frank, they give us the answers that are tailored for our day and time. They explain it in terms that are profound and go in deeper than sometimes what the scriptures would even go into. He's a leader for me. He inspires me to do the good thing for my salvation--our people's salvation. And then he encourages me to be a good disciple of Jesus Christ--just be better.

The chief cornerstone and building block of the Church and for our lives is Jesus Christ. This is His Church. President Nelson is His prophet. And at a personal level, he provides guidance as to how each of us should direct our lives such that our conduct may likewise be acceptable to the Lord. The prophet is like a teacher. He teaches us. So sometimes, like sheep, they need a shepherd. Otherwise, we may get lost in our life. And just through that--I read about all the prophets called of God in the scriptures. And once you read about those people and once you pray about it, that's how I came to know for myself. And it wasn't easy for me. I didn't just instantly know, "OK, yeah. This man's a prophet called of God." But through reading my scriptures and through praying about it, I came to know that our prophet is called of God. And I witness that as we solidify in our lives the practice of listening to and heeding the voice of the living prophets, our lives will be built according to the Lord's divine pattern for us, and we will reap eternal blessings.

Listen to a Prophet

Bishop Dean M. Davies speaks on the importance of listening to the counsel of the prophet, and various individuals bear testimony of how following the prophet has blessed their lives.

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