
Beloved young women, I love you. I love to be around you. I love to watch you. You are so good. You have light in your eyes. You sparkle. Thank you. This year's Mutual theme is the 13th article of faith. You know, when I was a little girl I memorized the 13th article of faith. And it was really hard. And I didn't understand any of the words, but I do now. And you know, I think the 13th article of faith describes each one of you. Thank you for being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, and doing so much good in the world. One of the parts of the 13th article of faith that I really like is the part that says "we seek after these things." I like the word "seek" because that means that you have to be active. You can't be passive. It means that you have to discover and even acquire. And so this year, seek after those things that will draw you closer to the Savior. Seek the Holy Ghost. Seek good friends, and seek the Savior. Seek to be like Him. Seek to emulate His example. The Savior lives. He loves you. I testify that we are led by a prophet of God. He is guided by our Heavenly Father. I testify that as you watch Him and you listen to His words and you do what He asks you to do, your life will be amazing and will be happy and joyful, and you will be able to fulfill your unique, divine mission here on the earth.

Beloved young women, be a believer. Seek those things which are virtuous, lovely, praiseworthy, and of good report. That's you. And I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Message from Sister Elaine S. Dalton

Sister Elaine S. Dalton expresses her love for young women around the world and counsels them to seek after good things.

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