
I first met my sister in Relief Society 10 years ago, and it has changed my life for the better and the lives of people I know, because I am a better person for having known her. My sister completely embodies the pure love of Christ. I've never seen anybody handle their trials with such grace. She's never met somebody that she doesn't love. Everyone she meets feels that from her. Here are some things our friends have said about our sister: She is very genuine. I have always felt that she truly cares about me no matter what. The word I would use to describe her is charitable. She is the very definition of charity. Her love for me and others isn't conditional. She never treated me like she had to get to know me before she loved me. She just loved me. As humans, we guard ourselves and judge, and people earn our love. She gave it freely from the first moment I met her. I personally met her when I was at a horrible time in my life. I was angry and far from being kind to others. Lisa treated me with such genuine kindness, it really softened my heart and opened my eyes. And my sister is Lisa. This is not good. I am sitting here thinking, "Who is this person?" I was sitting here thinking, "This is not a realistic person." No, it truly is ... No, it's not a realistic person. No ... because, do you know what? All of those words were given by our friends. I asked all of them what they thought of you, and that's what they truly said. Oh ... that is so sweet. Thank you. We love you. Thank you. Everything she said was overly generous and not how I think about myself. Well, you should. But I am grateful that I have friends that think that I am better than I am. I think that is a mark of a good friend--is to see your good qualities and ignore your weak ones, because I think sometimes it's easy in the world to focus on things that don't really matter or that are not positive about other people. I am very grateful for my friends who really are like family to me and treat me in such a way that I want to be better.

Sisters in Zion

Nicole met her sister in Relief Society ten years ago. See what a difference her sister has made in her life since then.

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