Light The World 2020 Campaign
Gospel Living

You can #LightTheWorld by serving near your own home.

12/09/22 | 1 min read
Even small acts of service make a big difference!

The Church is involved in a lot of humanitarian work around the world.1 Your own service might not be on a world-wide scale, but it is no less important. You can feed the hungry, care for the sick, and uplift hearts right in your area. Each time you serve someone around you, you are serving the Lord.2

Here are some ideas for serving near home:

  • Donate cans to your local food bank.
  • Clean up trash in your community.
  • Leave a gift on a neighbor’s doorstep.

Need More Ideas?

Search #LightTheWorld on social media. You might find inspiration by seeing what other people are doing!

1. To learn more about the Church’s humanitarian work, see Dallin H. Oaks, “Helping the Poor and Distressed,” general conference, October 2022.
2. See Matthew 25:35–40.
Visit the Light the World website for more ideas about filling this month with the Savior’s light!
