Looking Up into the Light
YA Weekly

When My World Was Dark, I Turned to Christ

04/10/23 | 3 min read
With so many dark things happening around me, I wasn’t sure what it meant to have a foundation in Christ.

In a recent general conference message, President Henry B. Eyring, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, spoke about the perilous times in the world: “The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, ‘This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come’ (2 Timothy 3:1).

“… And so it will become more difficult, not easier, to honor the covenants we must make and keep to live the gospel of Jesus Christ.”1

As I heard these words, I felt anxious. I was already dealing with challenges in my home in Venezuela. So questions like, “How can I stay optimistic when the world is so dark?” and “How can I look forward to a bright future in such a blackened present?” were in my heart at the time.

But President Eyring offered the solution. He quoted Helaman 5:12, which speaks about building our foundation “upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ.”

I have always believed that this scripture was true, but building my foundation on the Savior seemed a lot easier said than done. Nonetheless, as I have drawn closer to Christ, I have seen that everything works for your good when your faith is firm in Him (see Doctrine and Covenants 90:24).

Feeling Abandoned

A couple of months ago, I received devastating news from my family. My world seemed to be crumbling in front of me. I felt numb, confused, and so anxious that I even got sick!

I did not understand why we were facing such hardships when I was trying to be faithful. I wondered if I’d done something wrong. The future looked bleak, and I felt abandoned by Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

In the middle of my affliction, I talked to a good friend. He told me something I will never forget: “I think this situation is a good opportunity for you to ponder on your personal relationship with the Lord. No matter what happens, it is up to you to turn to Him for help. If you do, He will provide you with the love and relief you need right now.”

Those words changed my perspective. I was angry and hurt and confused by my circumstances, but I had a choice. No matter what we’re going through, what fears we have, or what difficulties we are facing, Jesus Christ is always right beside us. We have the choice to turn toward Him with faith, not away from Him, in troubling times.

That is how we strengthen our foundation of faith in Him and withstand the hardship in the world. By choosing Him.

As Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught: “In the midst of this refiner’s fire, rather than get angry with God, get close to God. Call upon the Father in the name of the Son. Walk with Them in the Spirit, day by day. Allow Them over time to manifest Their fidelity to you. Come truly to know Them and truly to know yourself.”2

Christ was waiting for me to turn to Him for help. That didn’t mean He would make all my problems go away or fix everything in my life and family instantly, but He helped me become better, find joy, and become more refined.

And over time, as I sought the Savior through prayer, scripture study, and faith, He helped me forgive my family members and invite joy into my life again, even though some challenges are still not solved.

A Promise of Safety

These certainly are perilous last days. We hear of wars and rumors of wars, of pandemics, of natural disasters—and I’m sure there will be even tougher times ahead. However, building upon the rock that is Jesus Christ and trusting in Him will always provide us with peace and joy, no matter what we are facing. As President Eyring also taught, “For those of us who are concerned for ourselves and for those we love, there is hope in the promise God has made of a place of safety in the storms ahead.”3

What a powerful and beautiful promise. And I have seen that promise fulfilled in my life. I know that this is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and that He is the fount of every blessing. He’s the light, He’s our Savior, and we are His sheep. Let us choose Him and choose faith.

The author lives in Zulia, Venezuela.

Maria Celeste Ramira Mendoza is from Venezuela. Her favorite color is blue, and she loves reading fantasy novels and spending time with family and friends. She also adores going to the temple. She believes that the house of the Lord is where we can find peace and hope in the world and knows that through the promises received there, family relationships can be eternal.


1. Henry B. Eyring, “Steady in the Storms,” Liahona, May 2022, 27.
2. D. Todd Christofferson, “Our Relationship with God,” Liahona, May 2022, 79.
3. Henry B. Eyring, “Steady in the Storms,” 27–28.
