Mission Leaders

Last Updated: 3 January 2019 at 12:51

Mission leaders, including counselors, clerks, and secretaries, view a menu providing access to all actions necessary for their role. The name of the leader is displayed with his calling and ecclesiastical unit. If a leader has multiple assignments, an arrow is displayed to switch between assignments. Click on linked menu items below for further descriptions.


Monitor activity in the mission, approve recommends or the use of the mission patriarch, review blessing recommends as they are prepared for patriarchs, and review the progress of leader approvals and blessing creation. Read more...


Create blessing recommends for missionaries, create electronic blessing recommends from paper recommends delivered by members who live outside the mission, and request use of a patriarch assigned to the mission. Read more... 


Review the history of the mission and the patriarchs assigned. 


The area or stake president can review blessings given by the stake patriarch up to a year after the blessing has been submitted. Blessings will be archived 60 days after submission. Read more...


As an area or stake president, delegate responsibilities to counselors, add assignments of scribes to patriarchs, and request new patriarchs or changes to the status of assigned patriarchs.


Help the patriarch process blessings.


View notifications generated by the system and sent from headquarters.


Set the expiration values for submitted recommends. 


Get help using the system.