Footprints Show How Children “Stood Tall” in 2016

Contributed By Marian Spencer, Church News staff writer

  • 8 December 2016

Thousands of children sent in footprints sharing how they followed in the Savior's footsteps. Download video: Small Medium Large.

Article Highlights

  • Thousands of children worldwide shared how they followed in the Savior’s footsteps.

This year the Friend invited children all over the world to “Stand Tall” by following in the Savior’s footsteps. The invitation was inspired by President Thomas S. Monson’s message “Following in the Savior’s Footsteps.”

“Let us learn of the Savior Jesus Christ,” he said. “Let us follow in His footsteps. Let us live by His teachings. Then we will be prepared for any service He calls us to do.”

Thousands of children enthusiastically accepted the invitation. They sent colorful footprints, along with stories of how they’ve shown courage in following the Savior.

“I’ve enjoyed watching children experience happiness as they learn to live and love the gospel,” said Sister Joy D. Jones, Primary General President. “They are an inspiration to us all as they so eagerly follow in the Savior’s footsteps.”

The video above (also at and an article in the December Friend highlight a few of their footprints.

  • “I will be nice to my friends and family. I like to go to church.” —Anne, age 10, Utah, USA

Anne, age 10, sent in a footprint saying, “I will be nice to my friends and family. I like to go to church.”

  • “I will stand up for what I believe, which can be hard sometimes as our world is an intimidating place, especially at school! I will also strive to seek, share, and use knowledge of the gospel and in the process be a missionary!” —Emma, age 11, Somerset, England

  • “I will stand tall by being brave and sharing my testimony during sacrament meeting.” —Polaris, age 11, Texas, USA

  • “I will stand tall by spreading the gospel!” —Zedek, age 5, Texas, USA

  • “I will stand tall by using kind words to uplift others.” —Jessica, age 11, Western Australia, Australia

  • “I will stand tall by helping my mom.” —Ada, age 3, California, USA

  • “Help others feel good about themselves by giving compliments and not gossiping.” —Avari , age 10, Idaho, USA

  • “I will stand tall. I will help my friend to fit in and enjoy year 3.” —Cooper, age 7, Perth, Australia

  • “If somebody gets hurt, I will help them.” —Eli, age 5, Florida, USA

  • “I will help my school prevent bullying.” —Ryker, age 10, California, USA
  • “I am going to try to pray every day and read my scriptures every day.” —James, age 9, Somerset, England

    Ryker, age 10, sent in a footprint saying how he would show courage in following the Savior: “I will help my school prevent bullying.”

  • “I try to pray every day and read the scriptures.” —Stefaniya, age 9, Connecticut, USA

  • “If I see a bad word on a website, I will close the webpage immediately. —Brycen, age 8, Minnesota, USA

  • “I helped my grandpa when he fell on the floor and I picked up glass on the floor. I felt good. I think that Jesus would do that too.” —Olivia, age 9, Oregon, USA

  • “I can stand taller by helping friends in need.” —Kenner, age 11, Ohio, USA

“Stand tall and walk in the light of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ!” President Dieter F. Ucthdorf challenged. “Rise up and follow in the footsteps of our Redeemer and Savior” (“You Can Do It Now!Ensign, Nov. 2013). Children are fulfilling that challenge!

Polaris, age 11, said, “I will stand tall by being brave and sharing my testimony during sacrament meeting.”

Zedek, age 5, sent in a footprint that said, “I will stand tall by spreading the gospel!”

Jessica, age 11, sent in a footprint telling how she would show courage in following the Savior: “I will stand tall by using kind words to uplift others.”

Ada, age 3, said, “I will stand tall by helping my mom.”

Cooper, age 7, sent in a footprint that said, “I will stand tall. I will help my friend to fit in and enjoy year 3.”

Eli, age 5, sent in a footprint that said, “If someone gets hurt, I will help them.”

Stefaniya, age 9, sent in a footprint saying, “I try to pray every day and read the scriptures.”

Olivia, age 9, sent in a footprint saying, “I helped my grandpa when he fell on the floor and I picked up glass on the floor. I felt good. I think that Jesus would do that too.”

Kenner, age 11, wrote: “I can stand taller by helping friends in need.”
